View Full Version : Xanax addiction question

04-15-2016, 11:34 AM
About a month ago my doctor prescribed me 0.5mg of xanax. I usually break them in half and take 0.25mg a day but I do take the full 0.5 when needed. Some days I can go without but in the month I've had them I've never gone more that 50 hours without taking one.

My question is regarding addiction. Recently I read that this drug can be highly addictive. How can I avoid becoming addicted? If I continue the regiment I'm on for another few months will I be ok? The xanax has been really helpful so far and I was hoping to continue using it until I finish my college classes in June.

04-18-2016, 02:30 PM
Hey Spartacus, I have Xanax myself, while I hate to say this, its extremely addictive and can be very easy to get comfortable with it.

I personally have tried very hard to not use it and only use it when I truly have no other option. I try to battle and challenge my thoughts and panic attacks.

Couple of concerns

1) You are cutting the dosage, while this is ok, you may not be getting the intended affect and that is why the symptoms linger and your need to use it more often.
2) If I am not mistaken usually the doctor prescribes it as a short duration regimen? Usually 1 to 2 months max and then a tapered effect due to it being addictive.
3) Try to not focus on the effects of Xanax to help your symptoms, but focus on the triggers to face your symptoms. This will allow you to become less dependent on the medication.

This may sound extremely weird, but I use the medication now as a "Safety Blanket". Just having the medication with me makes me feel more confident and secure. When the symptoms come on, I just know I have it in arms reach and that is enough to comfort me and get easier. I have a standing prescription for the last 2 years, but I think I have used it in total 2 times.

Challenge challenge challenge! You can do it!

04-19-2016, 10:23 AM
Hey Spartacus, I have Xanax myself, while I hate to say this, its extremely addictive and can be very easy to get comfortable with it.

I personally have tried very hard to not use it and only use it when I truly have no other option. I try to battle and challenge my thoughts and panic attacks.

Couple of concerns

1) You are cutting the dosage, while this is ok, you may not be getting the intended affect and that is why the symptoms linger and your need to use it more often.
2) If I am not mistaken usually the doctor prescribes it as a short duration regimen? Usually 1 to 2 months max and then a tapered effect due to it being addictive.
3) Try to not focus on the effects of Xanax to help your symptoms, but focus on the triggers to face your symptoms. This will allow you to become less dependent on the medication.

This may sound extremely weird, but I use the medication now as a "Safety Blanket". Just having the medication with me makes me feel more confident and secure. When the symptoms come on, I just know I have it in arms reach and that is enough to comfort me and get easier. I have a standing prescription for the last 2 years, but I think I have used it in total 2 times.

Challenge challenge challenge! You can do it!

Thank you for telling me about your experience. I've been slowly trying to use it less. I was using it everyday, even if it was only a half dose. For the last two weeks I always try to go a day or so without it. Strangely, right now I'm not really using it for panic attacks, I've found it relaxes my muscles and during my two months of high anxiety I'm pretty sure I messed up my back. I've gotten past the panic attack phase but my muscles have been so damn tight I sometimes find it difficult to breathe. When I pop a xanax it certainly helps with that. I can see how it can be addictive though. Yesterday I used it and though it only lasts for 5 or 6 hours it kept me calm for the stressful part of my day, then later that evening I felt great because I hadn't been tense all day. I am going in for a massage today to help my back. I definitely want to stop using the xanax. My doctor prescribed me some citalopram, he said he'd rather have me use that if I'm going to take a pill long term. I totally know what you mean by 'safety blanket' though. I went for a hike on Sunday and took my bottle of xanax with me. I didn't use it but knowing it was there if I needed it calmed me. Funny enough it turns out I accidentally grabbed my empty bottle so I actually didn't have any!

Honestly I would like to not take any pills. This year has been my first true experience with real high anxiety and panic attacks and now I have a lot more respect for people who live and struggle with anxiety. If this continues though I may try the citalopram or celexa as it is also called and try that for 6 months.