View Full Version : Shortness of Breath Help!!!?

04-12-2016, 09:22 AM
Hello there. New to this forum and could really use some advice.

After a series of unfortunate events I developed pretty bad anxiety and depression.

My main problem is the physical symptoms. I have extreme health anxiety and just can't seem to trust what the doctors are telling me. I have shortness of breath almost constantly throughout the day with peaks when I first leave the house in the morning. I also have acid reflux that I have been unable to control using medication. I have chest and back pain between my shoulders. I have been tested for a few things and now not one, but two doctors have told me it's anxiety. I have recently been prescribed an SSRI.

How do I accept that this is anxiety?

Does anyone else have symptoms like these?

04-12-2016, 11:13 AM
I can tell you from my own experience I had the same thing. Not only until I began to understand it and learn how to control it did it start to subside. I also take Lexapro and it took a good month for it to fully get into my system to begin to help me. It was tough, I won't lie but once you learn more about anxiety and better understand it, the easier it becomes to realize when it's happening and how to calm yourself down. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't just go away, it's always there but in a much more manageable state. Hope that helps you a little, it does get better. :)


04-12-2016, 12:41 PM
I've danced the anxiety polka for quite some time now and my symptoms seem to change from time to time. I can assure you that these are the same symptoms I am currently experiencing right now. You are not alone. The only way to accept it is to go through it. A hundred doctors can give you the same diagnosis and at some point, you may finally believe them. What helped me in addition to the many doctors I sought out, were forums very much like this one. Seeing so many folks with similar stories and symptoms really puts it into perspective. Anxiety causes such a wide variety of physical manifestations that it is easy to fall into the trap of believing that you are most certainly dying from terminal brain cancer or possibly leprosy. You need to trust that doctors know what they are talking about. Any those of us that have gone through it and continue to go through it know EXACTLY how you feel. Keep your chin up. There will be better days.

04-12-2016, 03:17 PM
I've danced the anxiety polka for quite some time now and my symptoms seem to change from time to time. I can assure you that these are the same symptoms I am currently experiencing right now. You are not alone. The only way to accept it is to go through it. A hundred doctors can give you the same diagnosis and at some point, you may finally believe them. What helped me in addition to the many doctors I sought out, were forums very much like this one. Seeing so many folks with similar stories and symptoms really puts it into perspective. Anxiety causes such a wide variety of physical manifestations that it is easy to fall into the trap of believing that you are most certainly dying from terminal brain cancer or possibly leprosy. You need to trust that doctors know what they are talking about. Any those of us that have gone through it and continue to go through it know EXACTLY how you feel. Keep your chin up. There will be better days.

Wow...thanks for that! I have been struggling for so long and I have never really reached out to anyone or any kind of forum. I really felt so alone. It's good to know I'm not. I know I need to get through this to get my life back.

04-12-2016, 03:24 PM
I can tell you from my own experience I had the same thing. Not only until I began to understand it and learn how to control it did it start to subside. I also take Lexapro and it took a good month for it to fully get into my system to begin to help me. It was tough, I won't lie but once you learn more about anxiety and better understand it, the easier it becomes to realize when it's happening and how to calm yourself down. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't just go away, it's always there but in a much more manageable state. Hope that helps you a little, it does get better. :)


Really, thank you for responding...I hope you are getting this reply as I am new to this forum and not sure I am pressing the right buttons! I am currently on Fluoxetine because I have had some help in the past from it when I had depression and I tolerate it well but I think that Lexapro may be a better option for anxiety. It really helps to know I'm not alone. I seriously can't believe that ANXIETY can cause such a physical response. I think I need to learn to trust medical professionals!

04-13-2016, 03:27 PM
I've been having the same issue. Even when I don't necessarily feel anxious my chest has been getting really tight and then I panic and my throat tightens. I've been breathing so hard lately my chest actually hurts. Doctor listened to my lungs and didn't hear anything troubling. I had a chest x-ray done and haven't gotten the results back yet. My doctor thinks it's anxiety as well and has prescribed my citalopram. Let us know if the pills you got help with your breathing anxiety!

04-13-2016, 03:34 PM
Hey Icc, Wow we are like mirror images.

So First off,

I have a breathing anxiety sorta- I always have the shortness of breath thoughts and then I focus on my breathing and then it gets worse. HUGE PAIN IN THE !@#$%. But I just go back to the meditation and breathing techniques, to slow my breathing down.

Secondly, I have bad acid reflux also, it seems to go hand in hand with Anxiety or panic for some odd reason, so with the Fluoxetine I take daily I also take omeprazole (Prilosec) Daily.

I battle depression on and off too so the fluoxetine helps, I was off it for about 10 months but the depression came back so I am back on, going through the hell month adjusting to it, but its getting better slowly.

Now that you know we share many similarities, how do I deal with it?

1) The breathing sucks, but first its a mental battle, I remind myself daily, that at night I breath unconsciously, with no problems, I go back to my breathing techniques. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gz4G31LGyog&nohtml5=False. This just helps to regulate the breathing and relax!

2) Focus your mind like when you are sleeping, that is when you are the most relaxed and will help to mentally focus on the right thoughts!


04-14-2016, 09:20 AM
I've been having the same issue. Even when I don't necessarily feel anxious my chest has been getting really tight and then I panic and my throat tightens. I've been breathing so hard lately my chest actually hurts. Doctor listened to my lungs and didn't hear anything troubling. I had a chest x-ray done and haven't gotten the results back yet. My doctor thinks it's anxiety as well and has prescribed my citalopram. Let us know if the pills you got help with your breathing anxiety!

Thanks! I will let you know if the pills provide any relief. I know it's really about getting my mind around the fact that this is anxiety as I am really having a tough time trusting the doctors for some reason! Keep me posted on your situation.

04-14-2016, 09:28 AM
It's so hard dealing with all of these symptoms at the same time! The acid reflux has really stopped me enjoying my life to the fullest and I have been told to try licorice tea? I may give it a try as I have tried the omeprazole and it really didn't help unfortunately. I get terrible 'burping' that seems to be worse with the Fluoxetine.

The breathing is definitely worse when I focus on it.

I am certainly going to try the breathing techniques and try to relax! I honestly can't remember how to relax. I wish I could just have a couple hours without dwelling on this!

Keep me posted on your progress!
