View Full Version : why don't I feel right??

09-28-2008, 11:32 AM
Does anybody else have a general feeling of sadness/ unease sometimes for no real reason? Constantly trying to work out why I don't feel quite right makes it worse. Its just like an anxious feeling in my stomach. It gets worse when I try to work out why I feel that way.
Maybe I am happy but because i've been sabotaging it with anxious thoughts and not liking myself for so long that im always going to have this weird feeling. Does that make sense??

09-28-2008, 02:00 PM
Hi xxfairybluxx

This to me sounds like what most people with anxiety feel, anxiety or feeling nervous, fearful often is felt in our tummy, the question is what are you afraid of, when I feel this way I try to think of what is making me anxious and then rationalise it, this helps I find with the catastrophe thinking part of anxiety, if that doesn’t help I get some exercise to burn off the excess anxiety chemicals.
I feel sadness when Im anxious, I think anxiety and depression are closely linked, a feeling of depletion, warn out by worry, I get like that when my anxiety sometimes return's, and as anxiety is self enduced through negative thoughts it does make sense

09-29-2008, 03:23 AM
It's so important that you don't try and question or try to work out why you are feeling like this, otherwise it will come on even more.. I can assure you if you simply accept the feeling as simply a feeling and nothing eles, then it will soon go away.. Just because you have the funny feeling in your stomach it doesn't mean that you are automatically unhappy or depressed!... i think your 'worrying about worrying' if you get what i mean.... Try to keep your mind occupied and busy so drifting is reduced, and i can assure you the feelings will soon go :) good luck!

09-29-2008, 11:05 AM
Thanks, yeah I guess I just have to accept it. Trying to figure it out ends up making it worse. Its just a 'what if' sort of feeling. Thanks for the advice xxx

09-29-2008, 12:37 PM
I know what you're feeling. I find whenever the anxiety really starts getting to me I just stop breathe deeply and relax. It usually helps. All the best. :D

09-29-2008, 03:15 PM
Thanks, yeah I guess I just have to accept it. Trying to figure it out ends up making it worse. Its just a 'what if' sort of feeling. Thanks for the advice xxx

exactly.. this could be the cause of it actually happening in the first place.. a rush of addreline or the stomach feeling is nothing.. you get exactly the same feeling if your happy, but you interpret is differently in your head... These stomach feelings can be caused by anything, sometimes even drinking to much coffee! Try and stay postive! and you'll soon feel great! :)

09-30-2008, 02:10 PM
I totally understand how you feel! Sometimes i feel like im screwing things up when i could be happy. But i feel like im forcing myself or am faking being happy..