View Full Version : Tightness in chest and throat.

03-20-2016, 12:31 PM
So I've been going through a prolonged period of worry and anxiety and every time a new symptom presents itself I begin to worry about it. I went from worrying about my heart, getting pins and needles, worrying about my liver (ultrasound came back fine) and now I'm back to my heart. Since this all began I feel my muscles in my chest are tight, sometimes tighter than others. Along with this my nose will periodically get clogged ( even though its dry) and my throat feels tight too. Throughout this period I've lost 6 or 7 pounds, the doctors all think these symptoms are a result of prolonged anxiety. Anyone ever experience something like this?

03-21-2016, 10:52 AM
Hi Spartacus,

I'm new here, but have dealt with the same symptoms as you for some time. Has acid reflux ever been a consideration by you or your doctor? I'm on medicine for mine and I can say it's directly related to my anxiety, which might what your doctors are referring to. Why don't you try prilosec OTC or some antacids after meals for a little while and see if that helps? Mine works wonders for me! Also, exercise and staying away from caffeine, chocolate, spicy/acidic foods.

03-21-2016, 03:28 PM
Hi Spartacus,

I'm new here, but have dealt with the same symptoms as you for some time. Has acid reflux ever been a consideration by you or your doctor? I'm on medicine for mine and I can say it's directly related to my anxiety, which might what your doctors are referring to. Why don't you try prilosec OTC or some antacids after meals for a little while and see if that helps? Mine works wonders for me! Also, exercise and staying away from caffeine, chocolate, spicy/acidic foods.

You know what? My doctor did mention GERD or acid reflux! I just would have never thought that it would cause chest tightness or heaviness even when I'm not eating...I guess I always thought acid reflux just referred to when you felt the burning pain.

03-22-2016, 09:44 PM

I have acid reflux and experience this same thing. I also suffer from severe anxiety about my heart! I get random, sudden chest paints and it scares the crap out of me :( anyways, back on subject, I don't think you need to be too worried.

03-29-2016, 06:31 PM
Hi Spartacus,

I'm new here, but have dealt with the same symptoms as you for some time. Has acid reflux ever been a consideration by you or your doctor? I'm on medicine for mine and I can say it's directly related to my anxiety, which might what your doctors are referring to. Why don't you try prilosec OTC or some antacids after meals for a little while and see if that helps? Mine works wonders for me! Also, exercise and staying away from caffeine, chocolate, spicy/acidic foods.

So I went to the doc and he believes it is GERD. He didn't seem too concerned. He prescribed prilosec which I started today. How long did it take for you to feel relief? My tightress was so bad the other day I had trouble swallowing food...Did yours ever get that bad?

04-02-2016, 01:29 PM
So I went to the doc and he believes it is GERD. He didn't seem too concerned. He prescribed prilosec which I started today. How long did it take for you to feel relief? My tightress was so bad the other day I had trouble swallowing food...Did yours ever get that bad?

I've been having this issue for some time too. It feels like something is stuck just underneath the sternum. It's not even close to a pain, but since I'm anxiety prone and it's in the vicinity of the heart it creates GAD whenever it appears. It sometimes is in other areas around the chest with a moving sensation - hard to describe
exactly what it feels like - kind of like "creepy crawlers" are moving around under the skin.

I'm scheduled for my physical next week and am going to ask for a GERD prescription and see if that helps (OTC medication has no effect). I think that acid from GERD can sometimes push against your lungs and really bother us too.