View Full Version : Anxiety "Triggers" Are Destroying My Career and Life (Please Read)

03-08-2016, 03:52 AM
First, I've always had an ton of stress, depression, and anxiety from being raised by dysfunctional parents, along with other things. However, it really started taking its toll on me when I suffered an injury to my neck. This neck injury actually caused overwhelming anxiety and stress by basically constantly overactivating my sympathetic nervous system. Which induced dizziness, disorientation, brain fog, congitive issues, anxiety symptoms, etc.

At the time I was working hard at a fairly intellectually demanding job. Of course, when you have to use your brain and you can't think properly, you start to become stressed and anxious even more.

Eventually, with time, the physical problems with my neck started to improve, and I noticed that the symptoms described above started to come and go. I started to notice that these symptoms would reduce if I just watched tv or didn't really use my brain at all. However, the second I started working again and/or using my brain all of the anxiety/symptoms returned.

My logic is that all of these symptoms have become engrained at this point and my body can't really let go of them. In the past I attached so much stress to working (because I couldn't do it properly) that it now acts as a stress "trigger" to activate that anxiety/symptoms again.

I've tested this over and over again. And without fail the second I start working I get symptoms, and the second I stop working, stop thinking, and watch tv, everything returns to normal.

I have a huge project that I need to work on. And it's what I was primarily working and stressing on when my neck was bad and the symptoms were constant. I seem to have particularly attached so much stress in the past to this specific project that it literally induces all of these symptoms in minutes of beginning to work on it. So much so that I can't even construct a sentence due to the brain fog, disorientation, and memory loss being so bad. Although, again, it goes away when I do something else.

In the past I wouldn't have even been able to write a forum post without inducing said symptoms, but that seems to have alleviated with time and trying to de-stress my life.

The problem is I have a finite amount of time to complete this project and can't wait for my body to naturally let go of it as being a trigger.

I'm sure this sounds absolutely nuts, but I can assure you that subconsciously anchoring a stress response to a brain function (thinking in general) or even a specific task (my project) is real.

What I am wondering is if anyone knows of a way that I can get rid of it so I can stop getting these symptoms from my project that I need to work on? I am also wondering if anyone knows of a certain medication that I can ask my family doctor to give me that may correct this; by basically breaking this engrained but unneccessary "trigger".

While your initial reaction will be to discuss this all with my GP, please be aware that they will not listen to all this and just try to push whatever general anti-anxiety/depressant is currently trending.

03-08-2016, 08:41 AM
Hey INeedASenzuBean,

You would be wise to first consult a neurologist, to rule out the possibility of a medical cause, such as a vestibular disorder; more candidates may be found at https://www.drlam.com/blog/brain-fog/1962/

Check out https://www.google.com.au/search?client=opera&q=dizziness%2C+disorientation%2C+brain+fog%2C+cogn itive+dysfunction%3B+vitamin+%2B+mineral+deficienc ies&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 about common vitamin and mineral deficiencies, such as magnesium (up to 80% of Americans may be deficient in it) and vitamin B12 which could well be responsible.

I can't tell if there is a vitamin B12 deficiency, or whether an insufficiency of vitamin D is involved, as explained at http://www.vitamindwiki.com/Handout+on+Vitamin+D+%28Hormone+D%29+and+sleep+-+Gominak+2012

Orally administered vitamin B12 is poorly absorbed, and requires intrinsic factor, which young and healthy people have in adequate quantities, but others may not; I have 6 monthly injections, but some people prefer sub-lingual sprays; Google supplies, or mercola.com have some.

One way of proceeding would be to regard deficiencies as a likely cause, and get tested for them, or if not an option, correct through supplementation, and learn, and employ stress management techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, or acupressure tapping / EFT. Try progressive muscle relaxation, and acupressure tapping / EFT at work, as well as the other tips at http://your-mental-health.weebly.com/1.html and page M. Avoid artificial sweeteners. Xylitol, from health food, or vitamin stores, or stevia, (from supermarkets) are completely natural replacements for sugar, and are suitable for diabetics.

VITAMIN D: See http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34051-Wobbly-eyesight

Note that most doctors would regard lower levels of vitamin D as being acceptable than those recommended by Dr. John Cannell of the vitamin D council, or Professor Michael Holick, a former member, and an expert in vitamin D.

Read: "Why are doctors reluctant to accept vitamin D", at:
http://www.vitamindwiki.com/Why+are+doctors+reluctant+to+accept+vitamin+D and in particular:
"Would you be opposed to my getting more vitamin D", at:

My target range is now 60 ng/ml (150 nmol/lit) to 70 ng/ml (175 nmol/lit) as recommended by Drs. Gominak and Mercola. To ensure sufficient cofactors (magnesium, boron, vitamin K2, and zinc; most people get enough calcium) I also take a multivitamin, mineral, amino acids, ubiquinol, etc. supplement called Total Balance, Men's version, from xtend-life.com, although a high quality one like Suisse, would suffice, from pharmacies, or supermarkets.

MAGNESIUM: View http://www.naturalnews.com/046401_magnesium_dietary_supplements_nutrient_abso rption.html

Some relevant posts are below.

GENERALISED ANXIETY DISORDER: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?33964-New-to-the-site-and-looking-for-help&p=223989#post223989

ANXIETY or PANIC ATTACKS: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?33197-Do-I-have-anxiety-disorder-or-something-worse&p=220006#post220006

HERBAL ANXIOLYTICS: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34269-5-Powerful-Tools-You-Probably-Haven-t-Tried-Yet&p=225415#post225415

NON HERBAL NATURAL ANXIOLTYICS: 5-htp, etc. http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34327-Need-so-much-advice-Have-so-many-questions&p=225657#post225657

Hoping something in the above helps.

If antidepressants / anxiolytics are offered you could just say thank you, pocket, but not fill the prescription, explaining later that you preferred to try natural treatments first.
