View Full Version : Dealing with big life changes

03-07-2016, 09:49 AM
I don't know about you guys, but my anxiety is at it's worst when something big changes in my life or when I'm doing something that I've never tried before. It's not nearly as bad as it used to be, as I used to be completely unable to function when new things happened in my life, but any time there's a change in my life I can't stop thinking of the what ifs and I get this feeling of impending doom like my life is about to fall to pieces or something. How do you guys cope with big life changes?

03-07-2016, 03:09 PM
Everyone copes differently and it depends what kind of change you are going through. If it is a planned change then you can prepare yourself beforehand, if it is sudden such as the death of a family member then you need to cope accordingly.

I hate writing at length, but I went through a number of major changes, and to put it in a few words, you just need to always look forward and focus on your strengths

03-07-2016, 07:21 PM
My partner in crime and I are making some pretty big changes. I haven't lived anywhere that was not completely under my control since my last marriage. Now we are buying a house together, prepared to spend our days all up in each other's Kool-aid. It's been a scary process for me.
I am the team secretary of this venture since I work far fewer hours. I am constantly on the road house hunting, talking with the real estate agent, the loan officer, and everyone in between. Just this triggers my worst fears: talking to strangers and being out of the house. I am also terrified I will do something wrong somewhere and jeopardize the whole home buying process. So far so good though.
There are days I am short and snappish. Other days I put off corresponding with important people until the next day. Sometimes I send emails in lieu of talking on the phone but nonetheless this agonizingly slow process is creeping forward. I was told by a friend that buying a house is one of the greater tests between two people. So far so good there too.
I have found that necessity will often ease anxiety, not the symptoms so much as the impact it has on my day to day. As long as I tell myself "Scared or not this has to be done." I can typically push through it. I look forward to being done with all the changes, so finally be at peace without looking around trying to plan a packing job 3 months in the future.
Changes are scary, but I have learned that not all scary is bad. It's okay not to know the outcome of a experience, and it's okay even if the change isn't a positive one. Changes bring about new dynamics, new perspectives, new lessons, and the fun of developing new routines. You can't predict the future, nor can you rewrite your past. All you have at any given moment is the experiences and resources you have at this very moment. You have the power to choose, and that's a pretty awesome gift.