View Full Version : Really Would Like Someone

03-03-2016, 07:30 AM
Hi if anyone at all is interested in having me as a phone buddy, please leave a comment then message me.

03-04-2016, 08:51 PM
I think you missed the boat, bud. A couple of years ago the community on here was so tight. We used to exchange email addresses, even real addresses to send stuff to each other. Now it's so quiet on here, sadly.

Are you on Facebook? There are several big anxiety groups that you could join if you want to. Usually the people are pretty friendly and are looking for chat buddies too.

03-06-2016, 08:35 PM
I think you missed the boat, bud. A couple of years ago the community on here was so tight. We used to exchange email addresses, even real addresses to send stuff to each other. Now it's so quiet on here, sadly.

Are you on Facebook? There are several big anxiety groups that you could join if you want to. Usually the people are pretty friendly and are looking for chat buddies too.

I was thinking the same thing. Why more people to chat on here