View Full Version : Black sheep

02-28-2016, 06:28 PM
In my family I kinda suck lol my mom definitely shows favoritism between me and my brother. Here's how it is, my brother is like this "Cool guy" like literally.. Lol he has all the girls and played sports, and pretty much can fit in anywhere. I on the other hand plays video games and suck at basketball, I was good at baseball and track but I didn't want to do those things career wise. Video games are my passion lbs I'm in college for video game design. So my mom thinks I'm like crazy because I don't do sports. I'm not jealous or anything of my brother though, I actually think he's pretty cool to lol, we always have eachothers back. I really do want to make my mom happy though, I just feel like she should except me for who I am. I may be weird idk.. I'm just different from everyone and it kinda sucks sometimes. I'm also ok with being alone sometimes because ppl are annoying. 

cloudy black
02-29-2016, 11:38 AM
Ah yes I was the black sheep and I had a bro that was the pink sheep! He is gay. Regarding showing favouritism don’t forget you and your brother are both different and to be fair to your mom that is possibly why she treats you both differently. And different is good. It would be a dull old world in deed if we were all the same!

Its funny you know I have two nephews and the younger one couldn’t not do a thing wrong with anybody his parents and his grandparents it used to irritate me. Low and behold the older nephew is now the “favourite” one. he has turned his life around and is now doing fairly well. But that took him the longest time and he gave both of his parents a lot of grief so much so that he cleared off to Australia for 3 years. He Came back from that and still had attitude and then went off to Stockholm and lived there for a few years. And came back to England to study and completed that study and is now a qualified Physio. He is 28 years old now and he is really nice to be around. Not that I ever had a problem with him.

You can’t make your mom happy. Your mom is responsible for her own happiness. Just as you are responsible for your own happiness. Do you know what. parents rarely ever speak directly to their children.I am sure that your mom is proud of you. You sound caring and thoughtful.

You come over as being more of a thinker and that is good we can’t all be doers and there are careers that go with being more of a thinking style. You just got to do some thinking in this area about what interests you. No don’t get into what you want to do for the rest of your life. For now just think about what your interests are and what you enjoy doing. It might be helpful to jot this down and maybe you might get more of an idea.

02-29-2016, 03:02 PM
Ah yes I was the black sheep and I had a bro that was the pink sheep! He is gay. Regarding showing favouritism don’t forget you and your brother are both different and to be fair to your mom that is possibly why she treats you both differently. And different is good. It would be a dull old world in deed if we were all the same!

Its funny you know I have two nephews and the younger one couldn’t not do a thing wrong with anybody his parents and his grandparents it used to irritate me. Low and behold the older nephew is now the “favourite” one. he has turned his life around and is now doing fairly well. But that took him the longest time and he gave both of his parents a lot of grief so much so that he cleared off to Australia for 3 years. He Came back from that and still had attitude and then went off to Stockholm and lived there for a few years. And came back to England to study and completed that study and is now a qualified Physio. He is 28 years old now and he is really nice to be around. Not that I ever had a problem with him.

You can’t make your mom happy. Your mom is responsible for her own happiness. Just as you are responsible for your own happiness. Do you know what. parents rarely ever speak directly to their children.I am sure that your mom is proud of you. You sound caring and thoughtful.

You come over as being more of a thinker and that is good we can’t all be doers and there are careers that go with being more of a thinking style. You just got to do some thinking in this area about what interests you. No don’t get into what you want to do for the rest of your life. For now just think about what your interests are and what you enjoy doing. It might be helpful to jot this down and maybe you might get more of an idea.

Thanks a lot man! I'm definitely starting to feel way better about myself.

03-01-2016, 09:54 AM
ah yes i was the black sheep and i had a bro that was the pink sheep! He is gay. Regarding showing favouritism don’t forget you and your brother are both different and to be fair to your mom that is possibly why she treats you both differently. And different is good. It would be a dull old world in deed if we were all the same!

Its funny you know i have two nephews and the younger one couldn’t not do a thing wrong with anybody his parents and his grandparents it used to irritate me. Low and behold the older nephew is now the “favourite” one. He has turned his life around and is now doing fairly well. But that took him the longest time and he gave both of his parents a lot of grief so much so that he cleared off to australia for 3 years. He came back from that and still had attitude and then went off to stockholm and lived there for a few years. And came back to england to study and completed that study and is now a qualified physio. He is 28 years old now and he is really nice to be around. Not that i ever had a problem with him.

You can’t make your mom happy. Your mom is responsible for her own happiness. Just as you are responsible for your own happiness. Do you know what. Parents rarely ever speak directly to their children.i am sure that your mom is proud of you. You sound caring and thoughtful.

You come over as being more of a thinker and that is good we can’t all be doers and there are careers that go with being more of a thinking style. You just got to do some thinking in this area about what interests you. No don’t get into what you want to do for the rest of your life. For now just think about what your interests are and what you enjoy doing. It might be helpful to jot this down and maybe you might get more of an idea.

great reply

salvator here
03-01-2016, 10:55 AM
I'm just different from everyone and it kinda sucks sometimes. I'm also ok with being alone sometimes because ppl are annoying. Hey Jay, nothing wrong at all with being "different" and I'm also ok with being alone. I find I get things accomplished and get myself sorted mentally better when I have time to myself without input from others about what I should do, or who I should be.

And different is good. It would be a dull old world in deed if we were all the same!So well put Cloudy and your reply was very helpful. I wish others had this same outlook.

BTW - "Pink Sheep" hehe...that was cute :D