View Full Version : i can't eat anything!

Avia Juliet
02-25-2016, 09:00 PM
I posted something on here the other day, but I was feeling VERY anxious when I wrote it and it was kind of all over the place. So I thought I would make a new one that might make more sense haha. Long story short, I have a gluten intolerance and when I accidentally ingest gluten my anxiety gets REALLY bad for a few days afterwards. This is exactly what happened a few days ago. This was probably the worst my anxiety has ever been in my life! I had zero appetite and didn't even feel hungry, so I barely ate the whole time. Yesterday and today have been a LOT better in terms of anxiety, but I'm still having trouble eating and have barely eaten for 5 days. Last night I started getting this weird feeling in my stomach as well.. it's kind of hard to describe. It doesn't hurt and I don't feel sick, it's just kind of.. uncomfortable. I was hoping it would be gone when I woke up this morning, but it's still here and it gets worse when I eat. I don't even know if this is from anxiety (even though the horrible anxiety that i was having before is pretty much gone), gluten, or just from not eating. And it's like 10x worse now that I'm not so anxious because I actually have an appetite and I'm starving. I'm kind of scared to eat at this point.. I probably ate the most today that I have since all of this started, in hopes that I would feel better after eating a decent amount but it seems to have just made it worse. I only seem to feel better when I'm hungry.

I know that I need to eat, but I feel so much better if I don't and forcing myself to eat obviously isn't helping. I also feel kind of bad though because I know in the back of my mind that I need food. But that's not really working out right now.. So do I just let myself be hungry and see if I start feeling better or eat and try to get through feeling like crap? My birthday is tomorrow as well, which kind of sucks because at this rate I might be lying in bed all day. What should I do? Help!

Boo Bass
02-26-2016, 03:59 AM
Hi there

I know the no appetite feeling all too well. The temporary solution is liquid diet. Banana and fruit in milkshake. Swallow some multivitamins. Not eating anything for 5 days makes your stomach shrink and feel weird.

02-26-2016, 08:50 AM
I posted something on here the other day, but I was feeling VERY anxious when I wrote it and it was kind of all over the place. So I thought I would make a new one that might make more sense haha. Long story short, I have a gluten intolerance and when I accidentally ingest gluten my anxiety gets REALLY bad for a few days afterwards. This is exactly what happened a few days ago. This was probably the worst my anxiety has ever been in my life! I had zero appetite and didn't even feel hungry, so I barely ate the whole time. Yesterday and today have been a LOT better in terms of anxiety, but I'm still having trouble eating and have barely eaten for 5 days. Last night I started getting this weird feeling in my stomach as well.. it's kind of hard to describe. It doesn't hurt and I don't feel sick, it's just kind of.. uncomfortable. I was hoping it would be gone when I woke up this morning, but it's still here and it gets worse when I eat. I don't even know if this is from anxiety (even though the horrible anxiety that i was having before is pretty much gone), gluten, or just from not eating. And it's like 10x worse now that I'm not so anxious because I actually have an appetite and I'm starving. I'm kind of scared to eat at this point.. I probably ate the most today that I have since all of this started, in hopes that I would feel better after eating a decent amount but it seems to have just made it worse. I only seem to feel better when I'm hungry.

I know that I need to eat, but I feel so much better if I don't and forcing myself to eat obviously isn't helping. I also feel kind of bad though because I know in the back of my mind that I need food. But that's not really working out right now.. So do I just let myself be hungry and see if I start feeling better or eat and try to get through feeling like crap? My birthday is tomorrow as well, which kind of sucks because at this rate I might be lying in bed all day. What should I do? Help!

I used to get that way, the advice above about drinking something is good advice. If it had not been for soft drinks and sweet tea...I probably would have starved when i was at my worst. I would also work myself up to saltine crackers( not sure about Gluten thing, but you get the idea) and potato soup...seemed to be only thing I could keep down. Not eating will make you feel like its anxiety...so the sooner you can try to eat the better you will feel. OCT 2014 I had a major attack, lasted a week( I had not had anything like that in years)..oddly enough the only thing I could make myself eat was a PBJ ( Thanx Mom for making it for me). I ate those for about a week after. You will have to find what is right for you.