View Full Version : Scared of Going Crazy

02-24-2016, 02:30 PM
Hi i suffer from moderate to severe GAD and definitely have a degree of OCD that affects my daily life. I have always had racing thoughts where it feels like my mind is going miles per minute and it seems like my thoughts are jumping from page to page without me having any self-control. During these periods, i often hear sounds or voices as well however to clarify, these sounds/voices do no speak to me or converse or anything. They are usually sounds/voices that i have heard throughout the day (for example, my professor lecturing or perhaps my friends calling my name). Another way to think of it is when you have a song playing in your head without even thinking about it. Long story short, i have been having these racing thoughts/sounds/voices a little more consistently now (usually they happen under deep stress) and i am absolutely scared that i am developing schizophrenia or some other mental disorder. This fear is always in the back of my head and i never get rid of it.

Furthermore, i have smoked weed before only occasionally and it scares because weed has been shown to bring out symptoms of mental disorders in those who are predisposed. I do not think i have a family history of schizophrenia or anything like that but my anxiety always likes to ask "what if?" My parents have been arguing aggressively lately, i have a huge performance this week, and i'm always preoccupied with schoolwork so it could be likely that i am in deep stress but i am not aware of it. But no matter what, my anxiety thinks it's most likely the worst case scenario. If anyone can help me on how to clear my mind and rid myself of these intrusive thoughts i would most appreciate it. Also, are the voices/sounds i hear normal and have you experienced them or something similar? I am just in need of a peaceful mind. Thank you

02-25-2016, 02:40 AM
You're not going crazy, my friend. Your brain is just experiencing an unholy amount of stress. That'll make you feel crazy. My god it will. At times you may even believe it's impossible to come back from such a place. But eventually the adrenaline is metabolized, the mind calms down, and you find yourself in a place that feels somewhat normal.

What you experience is very common. I experienced it myself (also had the schizo fear). Sometimes I'd hear these voices become really loud as I'd lie in bed. But again, that's fairly normal.

Daily relaxation should be on the agenda. Meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga. That sort of thing. You'll also need to get inside that mind of yours and start changing things around.

What are your anxiety/OCD triggers?