View Full Version : High Anxiety

02-23-2016, 04:53 PM
Hey guys. Over the last year and a half I have developed mild ocd due to high anxiety.

Here are some examples:

It was raining today and I had my coffee with me. Some rain fell in and I thought it might not be safe to drink the coffee anymore

I bought a burrito from chipotle and they mark the burrito with a marker on the foil. When I was unwrapping the foil, the marker part seemed to brush my burrito and I thought it wasn't safe to eat.

Random small specific things bother me throughout the day like that. It causes me a lot of stress and I am unable to get things done. It becomes an anxiety loop or a snowball effect. How do I conquer this?

02-23-2016, 08:28 PM
I think it might be helpful to talk to a therapist.

salvator here
02-24-2016, 06:02 AM
Its the workings of OCD [Obsessive Compulsive Disorder] This is how it starts. Practicing CBT [Cognitive Behavioral Therapy] skills will help even on your own - just 1 thing to disrupt the "order" will stop the cycle. For instance, if trying to quit smoking, sit in a different chair after dinner, or trying spending lunch breaks in a different location that where you usually would smoke. What you are experiencing is quite common - anxiety over cleanliness and germs/bacteria. I could give you many more examples, however all they would do is give you more ideas/phobias. Its nearly impossible be totally antiseptic in this world, and its a mistake to try to life your life this way. In our effort to become 'clean', we are only increasing resistant (stronger) germs by our overuse of antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers.

Its take practice but its doable. I, myself, am still struggling with my phobias with cleanliness, though I'm so much better than I was. I'm not saying I will eat off the floor, and I don't touch doorknobs in the bathroom, but I worry much less about "normal" day-to-day exposure to germs.

Hope this helps!

The Intolerable Kid
02-24-2016, 06:58 AM
I read somewhere than rain and snow actually contain a lot of bacteria, so I don't think you're overreacting to that. Not eating the burrito only makes you healthier and markers do contain solvents, dyes etc. Of course, I too am somewhat OCD (compulsive hand washing and I refuse to let children near me since they are teeming with pathogens.) Personally I find my OCD fairly easy to live with. Good luck with yours (if it turns out that's what you really have.) It sounds to me like you're being cautious and sensible, but again, that's just my opinion.

02-24-2016, 01:26 PM
...Practising CBT [Cognitive Behavioural Therapy] skills will help even on your own - just 1 thing to disrupt the "order" will stop the cycle. For instance, if trying to quit smoking, sit in a different chair after dinner, or trying spending lunch breaks in a different location that where you usually would smoke...

This helps to give me a better understanding of CBT. I've previously put this method on my avoidance list because of negative reviews, however am coming to see that any strategy that provides people with the space they need to improve; can only ever be a good thing. I really appreciate this explanation. Best explanation I have heard.

Nice one Salvator.
Thanks mate.

PS - Hello and Welcome James. The others give good advice. ;)