View Full Version : Sleep and anxiety update

02-19-2016, 07:49 AM
Earlier this year I got a CPAP machine and I have noticed a huge improvement in my anxiety levels, things are much better when you are not exhausted all the time. Currently I am weening off of Clonazipam, I ahve gone from 1mg a day to .5mg a day. Tonight I move down to .25mg. Monday I will see my Doc and discuss weening off of Lexapro, currently 10mg a day, and see how that goes.

So far with more sleep, it seems I can control the anxiety better...I just took a short vacation and had a blast...normally I worry so much I am unable to have good time, also just had a job performance review about 5 minutes ago..normally I am almost sick to my stomach when I have these..today no real problem...i would be lying if I said I was not nervous..but nothing over the top...perhaps it was the way "normal" people feel LOL.