View Full Version : Vitamin D defiency

02-17-2016, 12:43 PM
Hi everyone!

Had a bit of an anxiety related day. Started sessions with a counsellor in hope of helping me deal with pain, fatigue, worrying and insomnia. I also went to my GP for blood test results which shown that I am extremely low in vitamin D, which can cause fatigue, aching legs etc. Since I was 15 (now 20) I have always suffered with constant tiredness, easily getting tired which in turn is making me feel extremely low! Obviously I can't put down anxiety and low moods etc to the vitamin D deficiency entirely but does anyone reckon it could be the main cause for the way I feel? Does anyone else suffer low vitamin D?

02-17-2016, 02:54 PM
Vitamin D and Magnesium are supposedly two of the most beneficial supplements for helping anxiety. I was also told that I had low vitamin D.