View Full Version : my success with public speaking

02-15-2016, 09:15 AM
I’ve had a dreadful fear of public speaking and it has affected my professional life for many years. I have struggled with medications, therapy, group discussions, classes, psychiatrists and what not. After many years of struggle & experimentation I have finally found a solution that works (for me). The solution is a mix of medication and self-therapy. Others may find it useful.

First of all, I go into meetings well prepared. I rehearse presentations. I anticipate questions and issues and mull every angle of my presentation. I carry a belief that this is the best possible preparation I can make. I acknowledge that there may be an unknown zone but the possibility of that affecting my presentation is remote.
Secondly, I go with the knowledge that I will have a little bit of stage fright to begin with. However, instead of being a bane, this bit of fright is supposed to actually help me keep focus.
Thirdly, I take 1.5mg of Alprazolam about an hour before my presentation. Any less does not help me while any more makes it hazy and I tend to forget what happened in the meeting afterwards. Note that I do not take medication other than when I am to do a presentation. I practice meditation. I exercise.
Fourth, I try to keep myself relaxed and positive. This includes deep breathing, sitting in a relaxed manner, keeping my mind off sudden changes in the environment.
Lastly, when I am about to start the presentation, I read out the first few lines straight from my memory while consciously ignoring the stare of the public.

Initially my doctor had asked me to find out what started my stage fright and why do I continue to fear public speaking. I guess the first instance, the ‘beginning’, is often trivial compared to what we turn ourselves into by practicing our fears over time. A little bit of introspection helped me a lot. In my case, the issue developed during my teens. And although the cause was taken care of subsequently, I continued to have the fright out of years of habit.

02-17-2016, 07:15 AM
Yes, it always work...
Congrats.. You had done a great job...

02-17-2016, 11:07 AM
Yea - habit has a way of setting things in.

Out of curiosity, what business you in and how many people are usually gathered to hear you speak?

02-17-2016, 08:56 PM
Between 5 and 20 people, sometimes (rarely) more, usually senior to very senior leadership of our corporate clients. You can imagine how dreadful the situation used to be.

02-18-2016, 04:32 AM
20 is heaps! The calibre of people you mention is also a feather in your cap to be able to pull through your talks. Well done.

I've been toying with the idea of toast masters, but think I will aiming to high. Face to face with people I don't know is too much for me at this stage.

For now, I am practising by volunteering with online audio books.

Again - full credit to your for your achievement here.