View Full Version : SSRI poop out

02-09-2016, 04:41 PM
Hi everyone. I am sure this has been discussed already but I thought I would ask anyway. Has anyone else experienced "SSRI poop out"? Where you have been stable on a particular SSRI and then seemingly out of nowhere it stops working? I have had it several times and usually it means switching or increasing the dose of the same med. I was wondering, those out there who have had this happen: How long into treatment have you noticed a poopout? Thanks. Any response would be greatly appreciated.

salvator here
02-09-2016, 07:51 PM
This is what usually happens to me with SSRIs and antipsychotics. My APRN used to cycle escitalopram with sertraline every 6 months to prevent this. I am currently off the meds (for how long, who knows), and the depression is manageable. Life isn't too terribly stressful right now, so maybe that is why I'm managing alright. What the doctor usually does in want to increase the dosage when this happens, but it also make it harder to come off at higher levels.

Good luck

02-10-2016, 02:31 AM
Yes they had me on Celexa and on on 40mg it stopped working so they had to add me on I think it was called mertazipine / Wellbutrin but I cleaned up my diet and started exercising and my panic attacks and anxiety dissapeared. Do I was able to slowly come off. A couple years later I have anxiety and I'm trying to fight it naturally with St. John wort