View Full Version : New here and looking for some help

Denise Fogarty
02-08-2016, 07:09 PM
Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for sharing your stories, and while I am sorry so many of us are suffering, it was nice to find out other people are experiencing what I am. Recently, I went through an extremely stressful period, with near constant anxiety on a daily basis. My situation has since improved, but my anxiety has now been producing different symptoms. Has anyone else found themselves feeling sick after a panic/anxiety attack? I feel sore, achy, absolutely exhausted... almost flu-like. As usual, google has only given me a host of new things to add to worry about. In addition to the usual concerns about a heart attack, I have also started worrying about a million other things. Can anyone offer some insight or just commiseration?

Thank you so much,

02-08-2016, 09:21 PM
Exhaustion yes...but the flu-like symptoms? Those I'm not sure about. I think it's just what you said - finding new things to worry about. I find that when I go through a long period of anxiety, I also need a long time to recover. Sometimes it just takes tuning everything out and taking time for you - a full day of rest and two good nights sleep usually does the trick for me.

Mohammed Nasreldin
02-09-2016, 12:23 PM
I am even worse than u in my situation. Bro i see morning stars and night`s sun. Auras, Flashes and more and am only 14 years old. So if u think about it you would go in far. From my over using of google and reading information i was called the doctor because i know each an every symptom and disease, their causes and treatments. Also i got speech from everybody saying that i was the most intelligent and genius boy in school but anxiety was getting me. So be strong Bro. All the best.

02-09-2016, 02:25 PM
Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for sharing your stories, and while I am sorry so many of us are suffering, it was nice to find out other people are experiencing what I am. Recently, I went through an extremely stressful period, with near constant anxiety on a daily basis. My situation has since improved, but my anxiety has now been producing different symptoms. Has anyone else found themselves feeling sick after a panic/anxiety attack? I feel sore, achy, absolutely exhausted... almost flu-like. As usual, google has only given me a host of new things to add to worry about. In addition to the usual concerns about a heart attack, I have also started worrying about a million other things. Can anyone offer some insight or just commiseration?

Thank you so much,

Yes all of those can occur after a panic attack, they do take a toil on ones body, stay off Google, it only feeds the beast, starve that beast.

02-10-2016, 02:27 AM
Agreed it used to make me go crazy