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Sam K
01-23-2016, 02:51 AM
Hello fellow worriers of the world,
A hour and a half ago I was driving around in the snow and noticed a gas like smell in my car but continued to push through for a little longer because I was enjoying myself. I get home and thank god my anxiety took over my thumbs and went straight to google. I have now somewhat convinced myself I have Carbon Monoxide poisoning which my be true as i have a little headache, possibly worse than normal. But I always have these headaches..... But regardless this is now interfering with my sleep, which is aggravating to say the least, considering this is pointless worrying in hindsight. Unless I should go to the doctor? Maybe one of you could tell me if riding around in a car for maybe half an hour with a noticeable smell is something to seek care for. Thanks anxiety!

Tired in North Carolina

02-02-2016, 07:45 AM
LOVE the title.

A gas-like smell in the car indicates that somewhere, unburned fuel is getting inside the car. Carbon monoxide has no scent, but the presence of scent does NOT rule out a fuel-system or exhaust leak. Might be a good idea to have the car checked out if you can. The big thing to look for with CO poisoning is if you start to flush bright pink and get dizzy. I just went over the whole concept with most of the local Fire Department milling around my tiny living room! :) We are required by state law to have a management-provided CO detector in our apartment, and sometimes they malfunction. In the past, we had been told to call the FD for this; now they say have maintenance check it first AND we have a nice new detector.

Funny-as-heck side note: As I was reiterating my basic knowledge of CO poisoning, the living room fire alarm started beeping low-battery RIGHT above one of the firefighters. Timing much? ;)