View Full Version : Wobbly eyesight

01-20-2016, 08:41 AM
Getting wobbly eyes the last few days - eyes feel somewhat tired, too. Sometimes out the corner of my eye things wobble or flicker...I had an eye exam about six months ago and everything was fine.

Getting very frustrated. I went to the doctor for vertigo about two weeks ago, the vertigo went after a few days and last week I was fine. Now I've got this. And of course, I've no idea if I'm actually ill or if it's anxiety. Has anyone else had this?

01-20-2016, 08:57 AM
Getting wobbly eyes the last few days - eyes feel somewhat tired, too. Sometimes out the corner of my eye things wobble or flicker...I had an eye exam about six months ago and everything was fine.

Getting very frustrated. I went to the doctor for vertigo about two weeks ago, the vertigo went after a few days and last week I was fine. Now I've got this. And of course, I've no idea if I'm actually ill or if it's anxiety. Has anyone else had this?

I usually get blurry vision for no apparent reason, or trouble focussing, all connected to my anxiety. Unfortunately, focussing on the problem usually makes it worse and even more unpleasant. Can you find some distraction when these problems occur?

01-21-2016, 01:39 AM
Hey snowberry,

It's safest to consult an opthalmologist when eyesight is concerned.

The information I have that may be helpful is:

http://alternative-health.weebly.com/protecting-eyesight-with-nutrition.html (note that the egg yolks must be runny; if congealed, the lutein and zeaxanthin are destroyed)

and if you use your computer a fair bit, view
Protect Your Eyesight, at

You may also wish to check out https://www.google.com.au/search?client=opera&q=eyesight%3B+mercola&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 such as:

"Eat Right to Improve Your Eyesight", and

"Four Foods that Naturally Help Improve Vision", and

"Bates Method Restored Dr. Mercola's Eyesight".

If you also have a sleep disorder, from http://www.vitamindwiki.com/Handout+on+Vitamin+D+%28Hormone+D%29+and+sleep+-+Gominak+2012 by neurologist, Dr. S Gominak:

"If you have a neurologic problem that is severe enough to see a neurologist, you probably do not heal your body in sleep as perfectly as you once did. Most of us who have headaches, tremor, balance difficulties, vertigo, burning in the feet, depression, body pain, or memory loss have abnormal sleep and, surprisingly, fixing the sleep can fix the neurologic problem. From 2005-2009 I performed sleep studies on most of my patients and used medications or sleep masks to try to help their sleep. In 2009 I accidentally discovered that most of my patients had abnormal sleep because they were vitamin D deficient".

A previous post on vitamin D follows:

Maintaining optimal levels of vitamin D (59% of Americans have levels that are depleted, or deficient; 95% for those with greater melanin pigmentation) will better enable your body to function well.

The govt. RDI of 400 IU daily is long outdated, and based on misinformation, according to Dr. John Cannell, at the VitaminDcouncil. Dr. Weil, Dr. Ben Kim, Dr. Axe, Dr. Gominak, a neurologist, and Dr. Mercola* all agree that an RDI of 5000 IU daily is not excessive, although higher levels may be required as people age, and / or put on weight. My doctor, on the basis of several peer reviewed studies, also agrees that an RDI of 5000 IU daily is not excessive, and it is virtually impossible to get the required amount from dietary sources, without the risk of toxicity.

"Below 5: 35 units per pound per day
Age 5 - 10: 2500 units
Adults: 5000 units
Pregnant Women: 5000 units
There is no way to know if the above recommendations are correct. The ONLY way to know is to test your blood. You might need 4-5 times the amount recommended above. Ideally your blood level of 25 OH D should be 60ng/ml".

The NOAEL (No observed adverse effect level) specified by the Institute of Medicine is 10,000 IU/day. Around 1 person in 300 is allergic to it, so start out with only 1,000 IU on the first day, if supplementing.

Dr. Gominak now recommends optimising vitamin D levels in the range 60 ng/ml to 80 ng/ml, and Dr. Mercola recommended 60 ng/ml or 150 nmol/litre, which is now my target level.

Vitamin D is not a true vitamin, but a hormonal substrate that is vitally important for the activation of almost 3,000 genes in the body. Its main cofactors are: zinc, magnesium, vitamin K2, and boron.

Google: "How To Make Sure That You Are Getting Enough Vitamin D; Dr. Ben Kim", then: "My 1 hr free lecture on vitamin D; Dr. Mercola".

You could begin optimising vitamin D levels with 50,000 IU, then 10,000 IU or more daily, once the test results have come through, until at the desired level. It takes several weeks for the levels to stabilise. Test again after 8 weeks, then at least twice yearly, until confident of being in the required range, but still test annually.

50,000 IU capsules are available; Dr. Cannell at vitaminDcouncil.org recommends biotechpharmacal.com or you can use Amazon.com.

Sensible sunlight exposure, or UVB lamps are preferable to supplements, although they may not be an option in many cases. Unless you know that you have sufficient levels of it's main cofactors; zinc, boron, magnesium, and vitamin K2, it may be wise to also take a high quality multivitamin / mineral supplement daily, preferably a 100% natural one, from a vitamin, or health food store, or online at xtend-life.com or mercola.com*

When I Googled your symptoms at https://www.google.com.au/search?client=opera&q=tired+wobbly+eyes&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 I found:

jumpy shaky vision - Health Boards
www.healthboards.com › ... › Otolaryngology › Inner Ear Disorders
Jan 3, 2008 - bouncy shaky wobbly vision not eyes just vision, objects in my .... my family is getting tired of me saying over and over i am dizzy they and like ...

Most of them mention tiredness and wobbly eyes, and I'm wondering whether you are getting enough restorative sleep; do you awaken tired? It could be related to vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies, particularly if age is also an issue. It can often be helpful to know a persons gender and approximate age, like 46 - 50 in composing an answer to a problem with a probable medical cause, rather than psychological.

The post below would've been too long to fit here, and I don't know how much, if any, applies in your case:

01-21-2016, 04:16 AM

"You already know a lack of iron can drag you down.

But experts say numerous vitamin and mineral deficiencies can contribute to fatigue. If left unchecked, the same deficiencies that make it hard to keep your head up can lead to long-term health consequences – from brittle bones to impaired brain function.

"Fatigue can be like an early warning sign of potentially more severe problems down the road if you don't recognize and treat the problem causing the fatigue," says Dr. Anthony Komaroff, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a senior physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. "You need to explore all possible explanations for your fatigue." That goes for ongoing feelings of exhaustion to concerns about muscle fatigue being more pronounced or prolonged than might be expected from physical activity.

Some of the most common causes of fatigue – and easiest things to test for – involve deficiencies in three minerals and two vitamins, Komaroff says. After iron comes lack of magnesium, potassium, vitamin B12 and folic acid. "All of them can be corrected by giving supplements of the missing minerals or the missing vitamins," he says, or through dietary changes.

"More serious problems than just the fatigue can develop from these vitamin and mineral deficiencies," Komaroff says. "For example, vitamin B12 deficiency, if it goes on long enough, undiagnosed and untreated, can lead to permanent damage of the brain and the spinal cord that can affect people's ability to move, walk and think clearly."

Even the mundane can become imperiling – such as untreated anemia from iron deficiency. "Iron is needed to build hemoglobin, which is what is inside the red blood cell," Komaroff explains. "It carries oxygen, which is a critical source of energy to every cell in the body."

Anemia often occurs in women as a result of blood loss due to menstruation, though it can affect women of any age as well as men. In mild cases, it can escape detection. But as iron deficiency becomes more severe – and if left uncorrected – symptoms can escalate to include severe fatigue, headache, chest pain and increased heart rate. Besides iron, vitamin B12 or a folic acid deficiency can also lead to anemia.

One factor that may be largely to blame for vitamin deficiencies is a national obsession with restrictive diets, according to Jessica Crandall, a Denver-based registered dietitian nutritionist and a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "Most Americans are engaging in some kind of fad diet throughout their life, and when they do that, they are cutting out food groups, [which] can cause repercussions, such as nutrient deficiencies," Crandall says.

A big sandwich might make you sluggish; but, she says, cutting out carbohydrates – the centerpiece of several popular diets – has left many feeling like they're forever out to lunch.

"I've seen a serious rise in people cutting out carbohydrates from their diet, whether it be they're following an Atkins or South Beach or Paleo-type of diet," Crandall says. "When you cut carbohydrates out of your diet, you essentially are restricting a lot of the B vitamins as well as essential nutrients to provide your brain's energy it needs to function." Low-carb consumption, and resulting deficiencies – including in vitamin B12, which is already not absorbed well by women over age 50 – can cause brain fog or mental fatigue as well as physical exhaustion, she says.

"So we know we need to make sure we're getting B12, whether that be from fortification, supplementation or our primary source, which would be our food groups," Crandall says. She recommends eating a variety of foods and consulting a registered dietitian if considering food restrictions to lose weight. That's in addition to reviewing lab tests with your physician to unearth any potential deficiencies.

Haphazard calorie cutting and meal timing, including skipping meals, can also contribute to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, as well as fatigue, she says. "I always encourage my clients to eat within the first hour of waking up to better kind of fuel their metabolisms and get their brain and body functioning," Crandall says.

Whether a vitamin or mineral deficiency is contributing to tiredness, experts say it's always worth exploring the cause from a health and wellness standpoint. There's no shortage of potential culprits for fatigue from lifestyle issues, such as lack of sleep and not exercising enough, to more insidious causes, including underlying heart disease.

Felicia Stoler, a registered dietitian nutritionist and exercise physiologist in private practice in Red Bank, New Jersey, recommends that those experiencing chronic fatigue see a doctor to rule out medical causes. The type of fatigue matters, too, in pinpointing if or how a vitamin or mineral deficiency may contribute. While iron, for example, might cause an overall feeling of tiredness, a lack of potassium and magnesium can contribute to muscle aches and cause a person to feel sore and weak, Stoler says.

She, too, typically starts with diet to address mineral and vitamin deficiencies that can trigger fatigue, from recommending more meat, fish, fruit – such as cantaloupe, bananas and apricots – plus potatoes, turnips and other veggies to deliver magnesium; to cashews and peanuts, whole-grain products, fish, poultry and eggs to offset a zinc deficiency, which can also cause fatigue.

"I add supplements as needed," she says, most commonly for vitamin D deficiencies, which can also invite fatigue and hurt bone health in the long term, increasing the risk for osteoporosis.

Stoler says it's important to heed vitamin and mineral deficiencies, including those that might contribute to fatigue, and to be mindful of the broader implications. "If you think about why we even started looking at adequate intake levels and dietary guideline levels," she says, "it's really preventing … illnesses or disease associated with deficiencies."

I disagree with some of the above, and would heavily restrict sugars and other simple carbs, minimising grains, corn and potatoes, because of the blood glucose spikes they produce, which are only really needed when explosive energy is required, such as running 100 metres, and energy is better obtained steadily, from a balance of non starchy vegetables, legumes, some fruit, nuts, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, coconut (frying) or olive oil, (cold to warm; no high temp. frying) and possibly dairy, like probiotic yogurt, if tolerated.

So I don't know if your vitamin D levels are insufficient, resulting in a secondary inability to absorb enough B group vitamins and iron to prevent tiredness. But they can be tested for, and corrected. An experience opthalmologist may have encountered people with your symptoms multiple times; I can't say. I can only approach it from the nutritional and natural health point of view. Feel free to PM me with details, and the outcome of any medical consultations, and I'll try to respond promptly.

I can inform you that a lot of people who optimise their vitamin D levels report more energy, and when people get past 25 yrs old, they do better with ubiquinol supplements than CoQ10, and they also have reduced levels of intrinsic factor in the digestive tract, which is necessary to utilise some B group vitamins, the lack of which causes tiredness.