01-15-2016, 12:47 AM
I inherited an old house, and an insane, useless housemate-----My Younger Brother. He is so pathetic, he attends self improvement meeting all day and comes home only to watch TV. My older bro charges him rent but I am the 1 who must live w/ him as my housemate. Older bro is 1/2 homeowner too. So I feel so frustrated. Im almost 50 yrs old. not sure if I ought to just rent some day in senior apartment and take my 1/3 and invest in a bank and use the money as i need it until I hopefully die not to late in life. I want a decent car soon too. I am exhausted,. I had to take on 2nd day and evening weekend job to afford home expenses like water heater s going out and garage door openers too. Plumbing is another joke. so owning and keeping up an old house is very expensive. I wasn't given a choice either! I miss my parents and wish i would have been the 1 to dye 1st and NOT them. I miss you mom n dad!!!