View Full Version : Agitated, head empty, heart racing.

12-30-2015, 10:44 PM
I just saw a movie at the theater and I hated it, this attack happened in the middle of the movie.

I'm getting these anxiety attack where I'm having a hard time thinking and my heart is racing really fast.
I was laughing at the theater and I think I was a little too excited.
It's always a new symptoms, either I have a have a hard time breathing or I'm really agitated, my heart is beating and my brain feels dull.

Right now my heart is back to normal, I'm less agitated, but I still feel empty in my head and I have a really hard time concentrate on my thoughts or hearing my thoughts or sleeping. I'm not feeling tired at all.

These look like random adrenaline rush. I'm feeling really tweaked and I'm really scared.
I feel like I'm totally out of my head and my head feels really light.

01-01-2016, 09:03 AM
Do you have something that you think is triggering them? Battling these on and off for almost 15 years, but I have some things that tend to set them off. Take all your energy and focus. I have yet to really figure out how to really get over them.

01-03-2016, 12:51 AM
I regularly experience exactly what you have described. For me, if I get to the point where my heart is racing but I feel blank I try the grounding method to get my brain working and bring me back to my surroundings. Look around and find 5 things you can see, 4 you can touch, 3 you can hear, 2 you can smell, and 1 you could taste. It gives me something simple to concentrate on while slowing me down and forcing me to be present in whatever environment I'm in. If I'm in a space where I can't do that sort of thing, I count my breathes and do your routine breathing exercises (there are a ton out there, just try finding one that works well for you). It will slow your heart rate and get rid of the adrenaline feeling :)