View Full Version : Rough diagnosis

12-30-2015, 12:08 AM
So I'm 19 and I've experienced various forms of anxiety. Although I know a diagnosis should be made by a psychiatrist I just want some insight because there is one particular symptom which i have been unable to find much info on. I had social anxiety for a few years, leaving my house very rarely unless I had to go to school. I've also exhibited OCD like symptoms in relation to my body. Nail biting is the most prevalent which I started in 1st grade. It seems like Im doing it more than im not doing it some days and it interferes with functioning. Additionally, I would obsess over symmetry in my face when I had social anxiety, often missing my first class because I was adjusting my hair or eyebrows for so long. I have also been a perfectionist (i.e. setting impossible goals and being very disappointed when they are not achieved) since I was young. The particularly odd trait that I've had as long as I can remember is very hard to describe. Essentially my hands come in front of my mouth and repeatedly clench together and it only when im alone and daydreaming. I am often not aware that I am doing it initially. Its unusual because it doesnt seem to be a response to anxiety as I feel happy while daydreaming and I can generally stop once Im aware I am doing it. It seems I also daydream a lot and have very vivid daydreams. I noticed I also rub my face/chin excessively when Im in deep thought while reading. My mind tends to wander often. As a result I tend to have a small set of hobbies or interests I focus on because I find myself getting bored or distracted easily otherwise. I have improved in certain respects as ive gotten older, however, my compulsive nail biting is at its worst, I still find my mind wandering often, and my daydreaming and 'daydreaming compulsion' have persisted. If anyone has any insight into what is up based on these symptoms I would love to hear it.