View Full Version : Feelings after nap. & depersonalization

12-27-2015, 09:40 PM
I had been doing amazingly all day long and then i took a nap and i woke up disoriented and shortly after that, i developed anxiety and existential thoughts that made me panic and I've been obsessing over it all evening and I'm so annoyed and frustrated with feeling this way. I've got depersonalization and its been bothering me since i woke up from the nap.
I had gotten over some of my agoraphobia. I went to work alone today, and i drove, and i drove home and then i went to the grocery store alone and I was doing great. but this nap really messed up my progress. My existential thoughts are stronger too. Realizing that time here is temporary and its somewhat frightening and i don't like these thoughts. I hate them

any tips?

Defeat Panic
12-29-2015, 04:04 PM
Hey tidalpine. Your nap didn't mess anything. I promise. They will all pass. The thoughts, the panic, the anxiety. The thing people need to understand is that its not an illness at all. You are afraid of fear itself. You are afraid of another "panic" thought or feeling. So you are always on the lookout for another panic attack/thought which just stresses you out more. Constantly checking if you are doing better or no. You will never get better until you stop trying to get better.
The worst thing you can do is fight your thoughts. Realize those thoughts are nothing but thoughts and words. you can't control them so stop bothering to control them. Instead just observe them as a second person. Listen to them, let them be there. This is not a "technique" you are using to get "rid" of the thoughts. The point is to stop that inner resistance. You need to get to a point where you are not afraid of the uncomfortable sensations and feeling and thoughts of fear. Just observe and listen to them when they come, they'll pass on their own accord. Don't try to distract yourself on purpose. Live life with a regualr daily routine,etc and life itself will distract you. No doctor visits, or researching your symptoms. Researching makes it worse. Overtime you'll get better as you forget about this thoughts and they die out on their own.