View Full Version : Can't stop thinking random words and phrases

12-27-2015, 07:07 AM
Hey guys I have this issue like a week ago I went to bed and I was really stressed out and I kept thinking about stuff and now I can't stop thinking about random words or phrases that are in my mind I also happened to have a lot of anxiety and depression but I had suffered from depression like two years back but I never had that it's not like I am hearing voices or anything it's just that I keep thinking words with my inner voice and they are random like they are not bad or violent it's just stuff I heard from during the day or two days back from people talking it's been a week now and that makes me so worried like I keep thinking about it and googling it and most people say that it's OCD and high levels of stress which I have but when I am not stressed and I try to relax I still have them not during the day but when I go to bed mostly I would be glad to hear every ones opinion thanks a lot it's weird cause it happened the day school was over and school was a big deal for me cause I could get out of the house talk to people and now I am in my house all day

12-27-2015, 10:25 AM
there is nothing random about it. if you think about what worries you, what unresolved problems you have in your life, your fears and insecurities, memories, parental conditioning, you will see that your thoughts that seem haphazard have meaning, and purpose.

although you may not understand this :

the universe is filled (telepathically) with every thought imaginable, like a library of thought. from this library you draw to yourself the 'topic' of the book (information) you'd like to check out (like attracts like). no thought comes to you that you first did not attract through your own mental energy and focus.

knowing this, you can take responsibility for your thoughts, own them, and release them if you choose through the realization that you get what you focus upon, and not that you are under some unwanted 'attack' by the universe.

12-27-2015, 11:15 AM
Thanks a lot for your response I really appreciate it it's a lot of things my family is away I have no money and the people I live with hate me and I can't stand them and having to deal with them all the time pisses me off