View Full Version : Obsessive/Intrusive thoughts

12-24-2015, 09:15 AM
Hey all, it's been a while since I asked for any advice, but I'm going through a bit of a spell.

Does anyone have any recommendations for reading material on obsessive and intrusive thoughts?

I have Claire Weekes books and some Anxiety books but none of these go into detail on the subject of intrusive and repetitive thoughts.

Any advice is much appreciated.

12-24-2015, 09:59 AM
you cant hold two opposing thoughts at once (that generate feelings termed good or bad). so think something else. We will talk about what creates a thought briefly in this post -

its high time you understood your thoughts, so between giving yourself a break by thinking other thoughts, endeavor to find the beliefs that creates the unwanted thoughts, examine if its valid, and if its a negative belief change it to something beneficial. In the simplest of terms this is the goal of CBT. cognitive therapy.


Thought - "I have cancer"

traced back (you will find you have been entertaining this thought for years)

Belief : Mom and dad died of cancer, it attacked them and there was nothing anyone can do" (helpless, no control, frustration, sadness, fear, loss of security, loss of dignity, shame, powerless-ness etc) - examine the mass psyche regarding news, adverts, schooling, doctors beliefs, mass scares, death to see how you have been instilled with fear from outside influences (negative) no hope, lackluster expectation for cure - form a complete picture of your ideas about the topic, and see clearly.

Revisit the memories of mom and dad, or perhaps yourself and your experience, begin to understand your mindset and what you said to yourself, and release, heal, strong energies keeping you attached to those emotions -

Understand you would not be thinking thoughts unless there was a belief-weed at the core. Once the belief is changed, through reason, intellect, and spiritual understanding, the thoughts will be gone.

Original trauma/shock experiences -> Inception of an idea (belief through repetitive self suggestion) -> Emotions (corroborate the belief) -> feelings -> thoughts

You see thoughts are the byproduct and not the catalyst as you all presume, and have a reason. Always the thoughts are meant to bring you back to the errant original idea that makes you feel badly, and change it, with the result of feeling good.

Finally, knowing the psyche intent of ridding the mind of wrong thinking and errant original perception of an event, you can change the belief and feel better.

A belief is the most powerful of human tools in creating your life, your experience faithfully follows your beliefs long after the original idea has been accepted (underlined for emphasis). And make no mistake, you must have originally accepted the idea into your psyche. The most important process in all of humanity is protecting the mind you understand, against outside influence, and directing it toward that which is in your best interests.

Now, you and all of you, will probably never hear this information again, so you can forget it, blow it off as nonsense and search for another 'pill', misunderstand it, not believe it because it does not fit with your idea about reality, fight against it as it conflicts with your current beliefs, or -

accept it and get to work on yourself. period. DONT FEAR, this is personal alone work. Where there are tinges of pain and fear in your memories, that is the trauma, face it, just like anxiety (the byproduct of repressed emotions), the ghosts of fearful emotions wont kill you - so face and go right into them.

I tell you - there is no other way. In every human life, there are points along the journey where one takes on ideas about reality as facts, burned into the psyche in that very moment, forever directing your experience thereafter. So, it would follow, that to change your experience, you must find and change that original idea. Realizing it was not a fact at all, but an assumption about life, rather than an inherent or innate quality. Begin by accepting your 'facts' about life and yourself are not facts at all, you see, as everyone experiences different 'facts', this is what makes each person who he is, and offers a different experience.

In regard to our example above, not *everyone* dies or is afflicted with cancer, you see, it is not in the DNA or genetic makeup as a fact about reality across the board so to speak, rather the 'probability' of the experience is 'coded' (all things possible) - as one must choose it, for whatever personal experience, and it must corroborate with their beliefs. In any case, the belief, emotions, and thoughts would precede often for years, the actual physical event or manifestation of the dis-ease in the body, the beliefs are the cause another words, and not a virus or the cells gone wild, you see. It is quite the opposite, the cells are coded to heal, a return to 'normal' and often fight against the psyche when the conflicting beliefs are strong, period.

If understood, the above statement in red could be the most powerful (life changing) statement all readers will ever hear in their lives.

12-24-2015, 10:30 AM
Brain lock was very helpful for me.

Sadly, I didn't have this guy around 5 years ago when I really went through the worst of it ^

12-24-2015, 04:29 PM
.......you cant hold two opposing thoughts at once......

I do this all the time. (I know what you mean - just saying is all :))

12-25-2015, 08:54 AM
yea, i wanted to keep it simple, lol. which never happens :)

MIST does not usually respond to posts like this, because he does not really know how to handle (process) them, and his belief system acts as a barrier to beneficial knowledge that does not line up with it. he will be attracted to posts that match his beliefs, change therefor becomes 'impossible' with outside feedback continuing to reinforce his 'problem'. for everyone else, lets go on a bit.

i should have said you can entertain two opposing thoughts, but then you must decide which one to follow and experience. i think that makes more sense, if i make any sense at all :) for the OP MIST, its ok to have his thoughts, without being afraid of them, he does not have to act on them, which is a conscious decision. often, acting on a 'bad' decision is the only way to realize the belief behind them, and the opportunity to change, so in that context, even a miserable outcome is for the best ultimately. A thought is so compelling only because much time has been spent building up the energy behind it. Justifying the belief behind it. it would seem his whole life experience corroborates his thought and so he is being attacked by 'outside' events never realizing he is attracting similar 'like' thoughts through his focus and energy.

his life choices are each like a research paper. he decides the topic and then studies and gathers evidence until he is able to prove his theory. anxiety for example, cannot just be a concept, but he must prove it to himself and experience the results. in the case of anxiety this research is through google, his peers on this board and real life, and through doctors, diagnosis, etc. he will in some time have built up a very good case for himself. those that have a panic attack (most humans) that never goes chronic will just let it go with no attention or research, giving no energy to it, and ofcourse his beliefs would be very weak and not substantiate that topic - or the opposing belief (health) would be the core or dominant belief.

this happens between all the members on this board as they gather and commiserate about their misery (often just creating more anxiety or stronger emotions no matter the good intent, and why people linger for years). also for example how someone would fear some disease and research google endlessly working himself into a fear frenzy. the thought must match the belief and build up physical evidence all around it he would soon find himself in a very 'real' situation, like a hospital. the (silent) belief that generates the (conscious) thought, compels the 'idea' to google and so forth. since the belief is 'silent' he would not think it all generates inside himself, but he is a victim of some attack. he has also 'forgotten' how many times he has imagined himself in dire shape and in the emergency room. even if it was just 20 minutes ago.

good to see you both. hope all is a-ok

merry xmas too, although today for you dave is the 26th? happy new year in advance


12-25-2015, 10:57 AM
Hi IMS all this is a good advice. I also have two opposing thoughts at the same time, you probably noticed my lack of derision:)
Mist is very sensitive guy, the good guy , however he is seen as no serious one. I know him a bit and I would say that your post IMS as much as it is good, is maybe to long to difficult to digest at once. i would dose it slowly:)

I often feel that it is easier to give advice than follow the advice myself. People have a very good xmas; free of anxiety and panic attacks and Happy New year with continue awesome health, beautiful projects, satisfaction and love .........love for everyone cause it heals :)

12-25-2015, 11:05 AM
I know him a bit and I would say that your post IMS as much as it is good, is maybe to long to difficult to digest at once. i would dose it slowly:)

agreed :)

I was invited to several 'big' christmas parties and backed out, i couldnt handle it, smothering ackkkk !

Love you D

12-25-2015, 03:52 PM
Love you too and I went no where, no parties for me, not with my social phobia, but tomorrow I will be on Farmers market and I love it, I have no fear at all, I love to introduce my products to people, to explain them what does what. I think i am a born salesperson ;)) Thank you for understanding IMS:)

12-25-2015, 05:02 PM
Love you too and I went no where, no parties for me, not with my social phobia, but tomorrow I will be on Farmers market and I love it, I have no fear at all, I love to introduce my products to people, to explain them what does what. I think i am a born salesperson ;)) Thank you for understanding IMS:)

sounds awesome ! have a great time, i hope you sell a lot of product :)

12-25-2015, 05:35 PM
I am not sure I will it is boxing day in Canada, but i need to be there just in case :))

12-27-2015, 06:11 PM
Hey mist sorry to hear that your having a rubbish time of it,I went through this and it's awful so I know where your coming from.the book that helped me loads was the imp of the mind by lee Baer PhD
Hope this helps you,take care