View Full Version : Advice needed

12-02-2015, 09:10 PM
Hi guys,


12-03-2015, 09:46 AM

Just to let you know I am a Somali Muslim, I live in London, and I do not take any offence to anything you've said. I actually find it admirable, because who knows how many people feel this way? I think it's important to look behind the muslim identity and just see a human being. My parents came here in 1991 to escape the civil war in Somalia. A lot of people come to this country because of the many opportunities they could not get at home, but mainly to save their own lives. A large proportion of these people happen to be muslims! If your own city was being bombed and you were at risk of being killed, wouldn't you escape to a land that was safe? I am very grateful to Britain, for providing so many people asylum and a place where they could live without being in fear of bombs and shelling. So it's important to realise that people who come here are human beings. Behind all the religion and race and whatever else, lies a human being. We are all responsible as human beings to care for one another.

That aside, extremists are people who have taken and distorted an aspect of the religion to suit their own desires. I can definitely tell you, the majority of muslims in the world
reject the terrorists. It just isn't shown in the media, and we are not given the same platform. Almost 2 Billion muslims in the world, and the extremists are only a small percentage. They are given a platform to express their sick ideas, and they have hijacked the religion and in the end it is the innocent people who ultimately have to pay the price.

Please don't think you shouldn't be here. Please don't take what the media say at face value. They distort everything and they make people think it is Islam that is the problem, but it is the terrorists. My mother worries when I go out because so many muslim women are being attacked in the streets but I honestly am not afraid. I love my religion, it teaches peace, social cohesion and love and not being proud of that means the terrorists win in the end.

It is your country we've come to, to better our lives, the last thing I would want, is the people of Britain to feel like we've invaded it. I am truly sorry. Don't let all this overcome you, that's what the terrorists want. To create terror. Live your life and don't give them a second thought. You deserve happiness!

Any questions please message me.

12-03-2015, 10:05 AM
This really doesn't have anything to do with Muslims to be honest with you. I think you had a reaction triggered by the Paris attacks. Your response is NOT normal. You have become obsessed to the point of ignoring everything else in your life to a detrimental degree. This is not good. Yes, go see a doctor and take medication if you need to.

12-03-2015, 11:21 AM
I didn't mean to sound harsh, that's for sure! That's never my style. This is the part of the post that made me say the response was not normal. "For some reason I've become completely obsessed with this topic and have spent hours hunting out information online. I spent most of today when I should have been working, just reading articles. Hours and hours.I've lost my appetite
I've lost my libido.I've stopped smiling and talking.I'm shaking a times.I'm not sleeping.It's the only thing I can seem to think about. Even when I'm talking to people it's always there in my mind. I tried not reading articles about it but things pop up in FB or something."

It sounds so much like me. While other people can do things in "measured terms" I never can. It all consumes me. Whatever it is. I can't do things in moderation like other people. I will do it to the point of ignoring other things that need to be done.

12-03-2015, 11:31 AM
No problem. It is so difficult to navigate our way through life with these anxiety roadblocks that keep getting thrown our way!

12-03-2015, 03:26 PM

Hi! Thanks for replying.
Can I ask what you have anxiety of?

12-03-2015, 05:54 PM
Hey Urusainaa.

I have a three or four muslim friends. One of which I've known for over 10 years. I've talked to him about this and he keeps telling me that he knows just as much as I do. He's just as scared as I am. He's just as much human as I am. His belief concerning our existence is not supposed to force other people onto it. His belief is not harmful.

Here's what I think. I think that the same belief he has can be used in other context to benefit in all areas in life. It can be used as a weapon to get power, money, fame - you name it, by greedy, arrogant and ignorant people. As Annie mentioned, I do not believe your problem is with the religion itself, but with greedy human beings. I believe that their goal is to put fear and hatred in other people, to create anarchy and chaos. They want war. I believe that there is muslims, christians, atheists, buddhists or whatever that have the same fear you have.

You're not a racist for bringing this up. It's a sensitive and controversial subject to many people. I'm sure it is. But I think it's a reaction to what has been happening. You need to learn how to control that reaction. Because that reaction is exactly what these greedy people want. They love it when we fear them.

Wish you the best man!


12-03-2015, 07:46 PM
Hey AliaEQ,

Thanks for the mail. It means a lot.

Do you mind if I PM you?