View Full Version : Anxiety Symptoms?

11-26-2015, 08:13 AM
Hi, I'm new here! I suffer from health anxiety and have had so many different symptoms it's unreal, I really struggle to believe they are all anxiety but deep down, I know they wouldn't swap and change all the time if they weren't. My anxiety at the moment is mainly focused on my head area but I have also worried about my chest area and my abdomen and many other areas. I'd be super grateful if some of you could comment with the anxiety symptoms you have or have had, i know we are all slightly different but I feel it may help me to see there is a variety of symptoms out there related to anxiety. Also, do you find you get symptoms in the area you are currently most worried about at all?

11-26-2015, 08:18 AM
I could have written your post myself

That is the fu*ked up thing about anxiety, and especially health anxiety

When you get enough reassurance that you don't have brain cancer, your anxiety never has left so it happily looks around you and finds a new place for you to focus and now you think you are having a heart attack

And yes, wherever you focus on as you scan your body, anxiety will aim to place your physical symptoms in that exact place

I was diagnosed with health anxiety, social anxiety, GAD and panic attacks so my anxiety had a field day picking things for me to dwell on

And welcome aboard!

11-26-2015, 08:25 AM
I could have written your post myself

That is the fu*ked up thing about anxiety, and especially health anxiety

When you get enough reassurance that you don't have brain cancer, your anxiety never has left so it happily looks around you and finds a new place for you to focus and now you think you are having a heart attack

And yes, wherever you focus on as you scan your body, anxiety will aim to place your physical symptoms in that exact place

I was diagnosed with health anxiety, social anxiety, GAD and panic attacks so my anxiety had a field day picking things for me to dwell on

And welcome aboard!
That's exactly what's been happening to me. Last week it was headaches so I thought it was something brain related, this week it's my ears because they are blocked, a few weeks before it was my heart because of chest pain. I just can't win sometimes. Sorry to hear your going through this too, anxiety really sucks! Thank you!

cloudy black
11-26-2015, 09:41 AM
hello MrsDavies yes mine go like this. my vision feels like a heavy brown photo and my mind is sluggish not too unlike a heavy drinking night the night before! i also can feel disconnected, like i am seeing the world through a big sheet of glass perspex. like you i don't like acknowledging its there, but it so is. then on top of it all i am expected to be "normal" whatever that is. gosh i guess that's why i don't have many friends

also i thought i had plantar fasciitus (feet problems) but it turns out it is stress! so i was told a few visits ago by the practitioner. not quite sure where to go with this other than i have yet another set back regarding getting it sorted. its been nearly 3 years now. thing is i used to walk as a way of getting through my stress. doh must have walked that much that i created stress in my body :0(

so now i am putting on weight and eating junk because i am losing interest in the world about me. im fine though..

11-26-2015, 02:13 PM
hello MrsDavies yes mine go like this. my vision feels like a heavy brown photo and my mind is sluggish not too unlike a heavy drinking night the night before! i also can feel disconnected, like i am seeing the world through a big sheet of glass perspex. like you i don't like acknowledging its there, but it so is. then on top of it all i am expected to be "normal" whatever that is. gosh i guess that's why i don't have many friends

also i thought i had plantar fasciitus (feet problems) but it turns out it is stress! so i was told a few visits ago by the practitioner. not quite sure where to go with this other than i have yet another set back regarding getting it sorted. its been nearly 3 years now. thing is i used to walk as a way of getting through my stress. doh must have walked that much that i created stress in my body :0(

so now i am putting on weight and eating junk because i am losing interest in the world about me. im fine though..

I've had those symptoms too. Especially the sluggish mind. It's so confusing how anxiety can create the most peculiar and scary symptoms. I've also put on a ton of weight since having anxiety :(

cloudy black
11-27-2015, 03:09 AM
hello again, i also forgot to mention that also at times i feel speeded up inside. i almost cant keep up with myself. which is kinda what i am going through right now. i did ask someone once if i was talking too fast!

when i was in work i could do two peoples jobs just ticking over and i never got any complaints from the boss!! however the work colleagues more than likely felt at odds with it! and then eventually i would tip into chronic heaviness of depression and i couldn't barely think straight let alone do the bare minimum along with chronic fatigue. and this had a negative impact i usually ended up getting the sack when i was in this phase. and what a crappy downward spiral that created.
my life is an existence and not a life. and i really loathe the real world because it cant/wont accept me. so fox it has been my attitude.

11-27-2015, 04:40 AM
hello again, i also forgot to mention that also at times i feel speeded up inside. i almost cant keep up with myself. which is kinda what i am going through right now. i did ask someone once if i was talking too fast!

when i was in work i could do two peoples jobs just ticking over and i never got any complaints from the boss!! however the work colleagues more than likely felt at odds with it! and then eventually i would tip into chronic heaviness of depression and i couldn't barely think straight let alone do the bare minimum along with chronic fatigue. and this had a negative impact i usually ended up getting the sack when i was in this phase. and what a crappy downward spiral that created.
my life is an existence and not a life. and i really loathe the real world because it cant/wont accept me. so fox it has been my attitude.

I've also felt like that, sometimes I can feel rather confused, do you ever get that? It must of been awful to slip into that downward spiral, I've been there myself before. Don't give up though! Because you can and will get better. I've managed it before but unfortunately I let a trigger consume me so that's why I'm almost back to square one but it is possible!

cloudy black
11-28-2015, 09:05 AM
i dont know that i ever will get better i be over the hill is the expression. library books are well overdue! i have an absolute horror of ever going through it ever again. and now i do things in the community. gosh i sound like a criminal who has to do community work as a punishment what a joke! i kinda NEED to be always to be able to see the escape route!

the more i am with people the worse i get. and confusion and overwhelm are a regular feature. guess i am not cut out for 21 century living. should have been a nun!