View Full Version : Will this end?!?!

11-24-2015, 01:54 PM
For over a year now I have been dealing with not feeling well and recently this has brought on major case of anxiety. There are days that it just overwhelms me while I'm working to the point that I need to take something to calm me down. The therapist suggested tapping but I don't see it working. I'm being told that this will pass, but honestly it just scars me. I just want to be back to my happy self, not the person that I am today. Will this ever end?!?!?

11-24-2015, 02:03 PM
To be honest. I don't know. I have been struggling with this for a few years. There are things one can do to help during the bad times. Mediation is a great help for me, but I do have day that this doesn't even work. I was prescribed an as need medication to help with the anxiety. I have tried CBT and it work to a point, but now I am trying to dig deep and identify the root of my anxiety and work on that.

11-24-2015, 02:17 PM
For over a year now I have been dealing with not feeling well and recently this has brought on major case of anxiety. There are days that it just overwhelms me while I'm working to the point that I need to take something to calm me down. The therapist suggested tapping but I don't see it working. I'm being told that this will pass, but honestly it just scars me. I just want to be back to my happy self, not the person that I am today. Will this ever end?!?!?

Yes, when you stop focusing on what you don't want. You get what you expect. Rather, you get what you concentrate on. Not much of your time is spent on picturing the happy self, but in picturing the problems and dire circumstances. Trying to push away the issues which in reality draw them unto you by giving them energy. You literally energize the potential to create what you are trying so forcefully to discard.

This is the process of creation. Knowing this, you have a choice about what you choose to think. Should negative thoughts dominate your mind then you must learn to use your imagination to counter them with thoughts that create a desired future. Practice this. Given some time, t:he new thoughts will create your reality as faithfully as the negative ones you have been dwelling on

11-24-2015, 03:17 PM
The best course of action you can't take is no action at all, well kind of.

What your experiencing is a temporary state that will pass given time and understanding of the anxiety state. The more you worry and fret, the more adrenaline will be kicked out and the longer it will go on.

Just try and accept your anxious body for now safe in the knowledge that it will pass, and that nothing bad is going to happen.

11-25-2015, 05:20 AM
That's the difficult part. I am an analyst so my mind is constantly analyzing things, ever pain, every thought. Not sure how I got this way, just one day I could not kick the negative thoughts. Each morning I try to wake up and the first thought is how lucky I am and today will be a great day. Most days I can deal and suppress negative thoughts but there are days, like yesterday, I tried everything; however, my mind would just not relax. The exhaustion from those days just takes everything out of me.

I finally accept these feelings and know that this is just anxiety and stress and not some sort of other illness. But my impatience just wants me to find a cure so this could end. After reading numerous forums, I'm starting to conclude that there maybe no cure just learn to cope with it.

11-25-2015, 06:32 AM
That's the difficult part. I am an analyst so my mind is constantly analyzing things, ever pain, every thought. Not sure how I got this way, just one day I could not kick the negative thoughts. Each morning I try to wake up and the first thought is how lucky I am and today will be a great day. Most days I can deal and suppress negative thoughts but there are days, like yesterday, I tried everything; however, my mind would just not relax. The exhaustion from those days just takes everything out of me.

I finally accept these feelings and know that this is just anxiety and stress and not some sort of other illness. But my impatience just wants me to find a cure so this could end. After reading numerous forums, I'm starting to conclude that there maybe no cure just learn to cope with it.

And here janka gives a good example for everyone on the power of the mind.

"If man can control anything, it is his own mind, to do with and think how he pleases"

If negative thoughts 'bad' thoughts are in ones mind, they are not there to suppress, or wish away, they are there for a reason. This is evident, yet so difficult to grasp. The purpose of life is to assess your reality, judge it, and determine if there are problems to be resolved leading to a more pleasant experience. Bad feelings are not your truth, you are meant to feel good, and this is the goal.

Bad thoughts are attracted by your energy like a magnet to your mind from the library of every thought, in the universe. You have many thoughts then, in the library of mass consciousness, to attract and thus use to create your life. Bad thoughts draw despondency over time, leading to fear and anxiety, and manifest ultimately as physical symptoms too, but you must understand, it all began as just a thought. Anxiety is the chronic train of thought, starting long before the first symptoms ever arrived. Another words you worked on creating this condition for some time.

If you go back in years, you will remember this buildup, what you say to yourself once starting as an errant thought and going from there. Perhaps you had a bad experience, or witnessed some traumatic event or shock, or maybe your parents instilled a belief about illness, death, or the lack of inherent safety in the world as a child. Or maybe you were prone to watching the news or just a sensitive child with strong emotions and took rather simple ideas as gospel.

For example a relative may have had breast cancer when you were 6 years old and the family said its in the DNA. So you must get checked every year starting at 30. Now over 30, you do not remember that period of time at 6 or the ideas or events however you find you worry about it, and tell friends it runs in your family. You find yourself at the doctors every year, literally expecting it.

So the thoughts in your mind are natural, given the conditioning. And are not meant to be discarded, feared, or ruminated, but to see if they fit in with your ideas as an adult on how to live your best and happiest life. Most childhood beliefs can be thrown out, as they were planted in a young mind not able to reason or judge from a clear perspective.

It is all of your jobs therefor to remove the clutter in your heads. All of the negative beliefs and conditioning is right there in the conscious thoughts for you to examine.

You have a mind, you see. You are not your mind. Your mind does not control you, you control it, and from this post you can see that the thoughts are attracted to you by your ideals, ideas, and beliefs about the world, peers, health, wealth, and so on, which were instilled in you at a very young age. This is how you create your reality. No one but you can judge is poverty for example is a your personal lesson, or health concerns, or love, or whatever, as your journey is quite personal and intimate. Your childhood and parents were there, almost hand picked, to instill beliefs that at a later age, would trigger you to finish with any problems or issues that you need to address, enabling you to move on as far as evolutionary growth. There is more to the eye happening here on your planet, you see, much more depth to your life, and meaning.

The idea of successive lives or reincarnation is simply there to allow time to resolve issues, there is no timeframe, see? But it is always about removing obstacles that stand in the way of the self realization, of who you really are underneath all the crap, beings of love, self love first, and then everyone else.

So when you have bad thoughts, feelings, emotions, physical sensations, recognize there is work to do, to rid them of your being, leaving you in a state of what you call happiness, fulfillment and so forth. That is the reason for them, you see, and thus by accomplishing the preferred state, through experience of the undesired state, you have a well rounded understanding of your reality, and build highly desirable characteristics into your personality, with which you can then take with you, long after you leave the planet.

I believe its simply called, the journey of personal growth.