View Full Version : Heart Palpitations???

09-13-2008, 09:43 PM
Does anyone else get heart palpitations when under stress and anxiety??? (not just during anxiety attacks)

09-13-2008, 10:03 PM
I get weird heart palpitations all the time sometimes they weak me up at night. :(

09-14-2008, 03:35 AM
Caffeine is an assured palpitation for me. If you use it, try stopping and see if it helps.


09-14-2008, 03:51 AM
heart palpitations with anxiety can be caused by the adrenaline thats pumping through your body if you suffer badly with anxiety. they are not unusual at all but if you're worried about it then please talk to your doctor and you can have some tests done to reassure you about your heart.

heart palpitations can also often be caused by low blood sugar. when i first started getting them i freaked out, i thought my anxiety was just totally out of control and i wouldn't get better. however i eventually discovered that my heart was actually acting that way because of a reaction in my body to low blood sugar. if you eat foods that burn up quickly in your body or don't eat often enough then your blood sugars dip and your body releases adrenaline which can result in lots of things including anxiety and heart palpitations. for me the problem, including my anxiety, was solved by learning about eating correctly and cutting out foods that can create anxiety. it's never the same for all of us, but obelysk i would suggest you look into it - the fact that you wake up at night with palpiations suggests to me that because you've been asleep you haven't eaten in a long time and your blood sugars have dipped resulting in those palpitations.

like i said, your doctor is the best one for this problem. it's common with anxiety, but it's also best to rule out any other health problems.

the following information is from a website about palpitations:

What causes heart palpitations?

Heart palpitations may be caused by:

* Emotions, such as anxiety, stress, fear, panic
* Exercise
* Pregnancy
* Caffeine found in coffee, teas, chocolate, colas, some sports drinks and foods
* Certain medical conditions: overactive thyroid, low blood sugar, low potassium level, low oxygen level or low carbon dioxide level in the blood, fever, anemia, dehydration, loss of blood, shock
* Certain medications: asthma inhalers and decongestants, beta blockers (taken for high blood pressure or heart disease), thyroid and antiarrhythmic medications, and some over-the-counter medications that act as stimulants, such as cough and cold medicines, and some herbal or nutritional supplements
* Illegal street drugs: cocaine and amphetamines (speed)
* Nicotine found in tobacco products

To help lessen heart palpitations:

* Decrease your stress level (Learn biofeedback, deep breathing and/or relaxation exercises such as yoga, tai chi, or guided imagery)
* Limit alcohol
* Limit caffeinated beverages
* Do not smoke or use tobacco products
* Exercise on a regular basis (Ask your doctor what exercise program is right for you)
* Avoid certain activities that appear to be associated with palpitations
* Avoid certain medications that act as stimulants, such as cough and cold medicines, and some herbal or nutritional supplements
* Make sure your blood pressure and cholesterol are well controlled
* Try not to pay attention to your heart palpitations once any serious causes have been ruled out.

To help your doctor diagnose your condition, keep track of your heart palpitations. Note when they happen, how long they last, how you are feeling when they occur, and if you are doing an activity when they occur. Share this information with your doctor. If you notice a sudden increase in the palpitations or any type of change in them, call your doctor. Keep all scheduled follow-up visits with your doctor so your condition can be monitored.

09-14-2008, 05:27 PM
I'm warren, and yes i have had heart palpitations during my high anxiety. i'm really worried that there is something wrong with my heart. I play basketball, and even on the court i would get these weird feelings. So now sometimes i'm really scared to even play the game i love. It all started out when i was in practice and i got hit in the eye from a bad pass. My vision was gone in my left eye for a few minutes. I was worried that i was partially blind in that eye. It was like a grey film over my left eye. Well that night, i was laying down watching tv, and i felt something flutter in my chest, again i panicked and thought my heart was having trouble. It was going on and off, and the next day they were gone. Now i'm always aware of my heartbeat all the time. I even get these weird sensations while playing basketball. I think since i have this anxiety, i believe that my heart is beating weird but its just beating normal and fast. I always pay attention to my bodily feelings now. I went to the er one night during my basketball game(it was a playoff game), because i felt like my actual heart was hurting. They ran an ekg, and said that nothing appears to be wrong. So they sent me home with an anxiety packet. The next day, i'm fine. I convince myself that God is going take care of this, i need to put in more faith in him. When i get these palpitations, it doesnt hurt at all, its just annoying, and since it takes little for me to start worrying, my anxiety level shoots up. My family has no history of any heart disease, i don't take any medications. I'm 6'3 165 lbs and play basketball. May you please just help me out with this. May God Bless You All:)

09-14-2008, 05:34 PM
i get them when im trying to go to sleep at night, and somtimes they make me wake up shortly after i have fallen asleep.i think its from coffee, smoking, and my mind racing before falling asleep