View Full Version : Could my anxiety be causing my stomach pains

11-12-2015, 05:59 AM
So I posted in the new person forum but I'll go a bit more into depth here.

I had my first anxiety attack at 19 years old. I was in a very bad car accident and spent about 3 weeks in the hospital. A lady T-boned me in the driver's door going between 70-80mph in a 30mph zone. On the way home in my mom's car, any vehicle that even came close to us on the highway I started to freak out. It took me about six months to even feel comfortable being in the driver's seat. About two years after that, I was at my house eating some veggies and all the sudden I felt like my throat was closing up.. I went to the urgent care center and they told me I was fine and thought it was just anxiety. They also referred me to an orthopedic who diagnosed me with costrochondritis(the inflammation of the cartilage between my ribs) due top the injuries from the car accident. From then on, I very occasionally delt with anxiety attacks. I started learning how to control them when they came on. I'd stop, take some deep breaths, and throw on my headphones with soothing music and in a matter of minutes, I was fine.

Fast forward to August of 2015. The day after my 31 birthday, my husband and I were in another car accident. A 73 year old woman ran a red light. Although I was driving, this time my husband's side got hit. He is doing really good and only had some bumps and bruising. He has had very slight driving anxiety when he sees someone pulling out from the side..

Now me on the other hand, I feel my anxiety is literally out of control. I started seeing a therapist once a week about a month ago. I finally decided to see her because I was so afraid to fall asleep at night because I was afraid I wouldn't wake up. Now I constantly worry about dying.. Like daily. I worry about not ever getting to experience being a mom as we don't have kids yet, or if I die what it's going to do to my husband. Every pain, every twinge, it's debilitating. I ended up in the ER on Monday night because I had a pain in my stomach/pelvis so bad I thought I was having kidney stones or an ectopic pregnancy. Neither were the case. They wanted me to do a CT Scan, but the ER doc had me so scared of radiation levels, I declined and went home. The pain didn't go away and moved to the right side so I went to my GP who sent me back to the ER for a CT Scan. That was negative and so was every bit of bloodwork they did on me. According to paper, I'm a very healthy, albeit overweight 31 year old woman, But there is this small part of me that wonders if they missed something.. The pain is still there. Why do I feel this way?!?

I have been really fighting taking any type of anxiety medication because I'm so against it. I've just seen too many people on it who just looked comotos, and not themselves.

11-12-2015, 08:52 AM
There are two types of anxiety medication: antidepressants and benzodiazepines. I would suggest you try a small dose of an antidepressant. I like Lexapro very much, and I am on a very small dose of that (7.5 mg per day). If you met me, you would say I was lively and vivacious, so I don't know who these people are that you know who look comatose, but they are taking too much medication! If you are afraid every night to go to sleep because you are afraid you won't wake up, it might be time for some medication to take the edge off so much anxiety.

11-12-2015, 09:17 AM
There are two types of anxiety medication: antidepressants and benzodiazepines. I would suggest you try a small dose of an antidepressant. I like Lexapro very much, and I am on a very small dose of that (7.5 mg per day). If you met me, you would say I was lively and vivacious, so I don't know who these people are that you know who look comatose, but they are taking too much medication! If you are afraid every night to go to sleep because you are afraid you won't wake up, it might be time for some medication to take the edge off so much anxiety.
I've been reading a bunch on the supplement side of things instead of doing the chemical thing.. I think I'm going to try that.

11-12-2015, 12:08 PM
Good for you. Best of luck!

11-13-2015, 12:58 AM
Good for you. Best of luck! upppppppppppppppppppppp phụ chủ thớt