View Full Version : Maybe not the place for this problem but...

11-05-2015, 07:01 PM
... it causes me anxiety, so I'll post it here anyway. Do you guys ever find out something about an actor/actress that is bad and then have trouble watching a character they play? For me sometimes it's not even something bad... like this guy, I found out he was married with kids at the time he was playing this single character and now I can't not picture him being a father! I guess I have a bigger attachment than most to tv shows/movie and characters I like... they're like my "safe thing"... my way of escaping from real world stress, so when I find out something bad about them it affects me more than it probably should.

11-07-2015, 06:25 PM
... it causes me anxiety, so I'll post it here anyway. Do you guys ever find out something about an actor/actress that is bad and then have trouble watching a character they play? For me sometimes it's not even something bad... like this guy, I found out he was married with kids at the time he was playing this single character and now I can't not picture him being a father! I guess I have a bigger attachment than most to tv shows/movie and characters I like... they're like my "safe thing"... my way of escaping from real world stress, so when I find out something bad about them it affects me more than it probably should.

Yeah, you are getting a bit too attached to a character.

I like watching movies from the 40's and there are so many women that are gorgeous. You look at them now, if they are still alive and they look pretty bad.

That kinda takes the wind out of my sail.