View Full Version : Learning to live alone

Nervous Ninny
10-15-2015, 02:09 PM
I am 47 and for the first time in my life I am living alone. This has been a issue for me but things are getting better slowly. At first when my life partner left I couldn't hardly stay in my house and just relax or eat by myself. I now can eat by myself thank goodness I ended up getting under weight. I can now build a fire and set in the quiet of my living room and enjoy a glass of wine. I was thinking about getting TV however I have decided not to. Never really liked TV to much. I am still having trouble going to sleep that is when my anxiety kicks in the worse and I start feeling like I am going to be alone forever and never meet that someone special for me. It just does't seem like it should be so hard however it has been for me. I have decided to start working on my house I have never done tile work before, so I am going to tile my bathroom. I tried cutting wood but that is very hard and just make me miss my guy as that was something we did together. I get very sick of other people saying "You'll meet someone" when they are with there partner. I wish I could be like my sister who is just perfectly fine being alone.

10-15-2015, 02:45 PM
I like being alone, spent most of my life alone, even when i lived with some one. The ideal for me would be to live with some one who liked living alone. Just for the convenience. Some things need two people. (besides sex)

10-15-2015, 04:29 PM
...and how great thou art internet for just a thing. We can interact without the need to be connected. Or we can connect without the need to be in each others pockets.

10-15-2015, 04:43 PM
It isn't enough. Man/woman is a social creature, we need touch and eye contact, but we also need me time. My grandparents had this. Every day weather permitting he went fishing and brought home his catch. They didn't have much money so she canned the fish. They did things alone but shared eight kids. My other grand parents were the same. If you have trust there is no need to live in each others pocket. If you don't have trust you better leave out the sex.

10-15-2015, 06:10 PM
I am 47 and for the first time in my life I am living alone. This has been a issue for me but things are getting better slowly. At first when my life partner left I couldn't hardly stay in my house and just relax or eat by myself. I now can eat by myself thank goodness I ended up getting under weight. I can now build a fire and set in the quiet of my living room and enjoy a glass of wine. I was thinking about getting TV however I have decided not to. Never really liked TV to much. I am still having trouble going to sleep that is when my anxiety kicks in the worse and I start feeling like I am going to be alone forever and never meet that someone special for me. It just does't seem like it should be so hard however it has been for me. I have decided to start working on my house I have never done tile work before, so I am going to tile my bathroom. I tried cutting wood but that is very hard and just make me miss my guy as that was something we did together. I get very sick of other people saying "You'll meet someone" when they are with there partner. I wish I could be like my sister who is just perfectly fine being alone.

Have you ever considered joining a local interest group or community association that you are interested in? If you are starting to work on your house I'm sure there are "do it yourself classes" or groups that you can join and meet new people/friends 😃. Who knows, you might end up meeting someone and have a beautiful home at the same time! Bonus!

Nervous Ninny
10-19-2015, 09:32 AM
Thanks for the replies,I agree I do agree we all need a bit of space, me as well. I am getting more and more used to being alone. I think most people go through this in there twenties when they get there own place. I was the youngest of four and moved out of my home to live with my husband and had a baby right away. I think it will ultimately
be good for me. I think as we age it just gets harder to change.

10-19-2015, 02:50 PM
Thanks for the replies,I agree I do agree we all need a bit of space, me as well. I am getting more and more used to being alone. I think most people go through this in there twenties when they get there own place. I was the youngest of four and moved out of my home to live with my husband and had a baby right away. I think it will ultimately
be good for me. I think as we age it just gets harder to change.

AS a single man, never married, no children...I have come to appreciate my alone time...however I am not always alone...I have a very active life outside of my home...dinner with friends, hanging out, working out, hobbies, even vacations alone I always meet people...if done right you can be alone but never lonely.

10-20-2015, 12:40 AM
I'm going back to the alone life. So long everyone.