View Full Version : herbs/natural help

09-10-2008, 02:09 PM
Hey guys

Has anyone had much success with an alternative or natural treatments? Any suppliments/herbs which have worked well such as valerian root etc?


09-11-2008, 05:04 AM
I've tried Kava Kava and it didn't do squat for me. But I'd stay away from that as it is known to potentially cause liver damage. I'd stick with benzos over kava any day! As for other herbs/natural remedies, chamomille tea at night is calming and can help.

09-11-2008, 05:53 AM
I've tried Valerian Root and it smells/tastes like crap but allegedly it works on some people. One of my relatives swears by it... I tried it but it didn't really have much effect.

09-11-2008, 06:23 AM
hallo again elgrande!

i managed to recover from anxiety without any drugs (apart from about 3 xanax tablets at different times i had to be coaxed into taking when the anxiety was so
bad it was crippling me!). i discovered the link between eating badly and anxiety and basically ate my way back to feeling better (and im not talking about hiding me feelings beneath tubs and tubs of icecream lol).

things i did that helped and may help you are:

eating well and regularly to keep my blood sugars stable (see my other posts on
anxiety & nutrition & also hypoglycemia)

taking vitamin B

exercising daily

going to counselling

neuro linguisting programming

aura soma


writing A LOT! lol

cutting out foods and drinks that aggravate anxiety

talking about it and gathering a support network around myself

that's all i can think of for the moment, if i remember anything else i'll add it in. let me stress again the importance of nutrition, discovering it was the key to my recovery :)

09-11-2008, 09:36 AM
ive heard vitamin b and magnesium are supposed to work. does anyone know how?

09-11-2008, 09:51 AM
After a bad ssri experience i'm pretty much on the self help route and have recently begun taking multi vits, drinking lots of milk (for magnesium apparantly), omega 3, fish oil and whey protein. All this alongside regular intense exercise. It may or may not be helping...too early to tell but if nothing else i'll be fit as a fiddle.

Anyone know of any good mood foods?