View Full Version : Telling your employer about your anxiety

09-23-2015, 07:49 PM
I'm currently in the process of interviewing for several jobs and was wondering has anyone on here told their employer about their anxiety and if so how did that affect their job? Negatives or positives?

The job I currently have I've been able to deal with my anxiety quietly without a need to tell my boss, though there have been instances that I thought about doing so. The reason I'm thinking about the need/want to talk to employer is because I still see a therapist fairly regularly and I'm not sure how I would schedule around work or what to do if I can't schedule around it.

I struggle with anxiety and depression and I do worry that it could affect my work ethic somedays too. So is telling an employer a good idea or not??

09-24-2015, 01:48 AM
I think it depends on a lot of factors. While it's always better to be upfront and honest from the get go, there still exists a lot of ignorance regarding mental health issues and as sad as it is, some employers just don't want anything to do with what they see as being a potential hornets nest of problems, any employer first and foremost wants reliability.

But it's pot luck, where some don't want to know, others can look past it and are willing to help and accommodate you where they can, within reason of course.

You have to play it by ear and make a call as to whether you feel this is the kind of person you can open up to and be honest with, or if it's better to keep some things private.

09-24-2015, 04:50 AM
I'm currently in the process of interviewing for several jobs and was wondering has anyone on here told their employer about their anxiety and if so how did that affect their job? Negatives or positives?

The job I currently have I've been able to deal with my anxiety quietly without a need to tell my boss, though there have been instances that I thought about doing so. The reason I'm thinking about the need/want to talk to employer is because I still see a therapist fairly regularly and I'm not sure how I would schedule around work or what to do if I can't schedule around it.

I struggle with anxiety and depression and I do worry that it could affect my work ethic somedays too. So is telling an employer a good idea or not??


Especially not in the interview process. If they do not understand what anxiety is, they will make a judgement call on what it is and that judgement call will no way increase your chances of landing that job. Quite the contrary, actually

Go get the job. Work hard and as things arise that may cause you to take some extended time off, that's when you may have to tell them but by then, they will see your work ethic, see that you are a good person so they will be more than happy to have to deal with your anxiety since you are worth it

09-24-2015, 01:47 PM
In this day and age, more employers understand mental illness, as the stigma against types of mental illness, such as serious anxiety and depression, isn't as bad as it used to be.

09-24-2015, 02:47 PM

Especially not in the interview process. If they do not understand what anxiety is, they will make a judgement call on what it is and that judgement call will no way increase your chances of landing that job. Quite the contrary, actually

Go get the job. Work hard and as things arise that may cause you to take some extended time off, that's when you may have to tell them but by then, they will see your work ethic, see that you are a good person so they will be more than happy to have to deal with your anxiety since you are worth it

I agree with Nixon 100%. Telling them about your anxiety right off the bat is going to hurt your chances of getting a job. They will view it as something that will get in the way of your job performance and hinder your value to the company.

Only one job I ever had knew about my anxiety disorder, and that was about 3 years ago. It took me 2 years to even tell them about it.. and I had very good reason to finally do so. Otherwise, you just have to do your best not to let it effect your job performance. If you have doctors appts, let them know and take the time off as allowed...

09-24-2015, 07:17 PM
Nope, you do not even if they hire you, they will fire you. Keep it cool and good luck on eventual interview:))