View Full Version : took citalopram for 10 months didnt help

09-12-2015, 09:22 AM
hello i suffer from major anxiety/ occasional panic attacks

i was on 10 mg for 7 months of citalopram

it didnt work

i was eased onto 20 mg till yesturday

that hasnt worked

i was told the higher doses of citalopram are for depression not anxiety

anyway.......... basically i have been told to go down to 10mg this week of citalopram then 0 the week after
then the week after that which is 3 weeks from now, start on sertraline

now, i know with paracetomal and things like that, what works for one person doesnt work for somebody else and vice versa

so could it be that sertraline may do what citalopram may not be able to do

i suffer from anxiety attacks, which can be triggered instantly out of the blue and then affect me for days or weeks
however i can then go 3 months being fine..

so im really baffled and need advice
