View Full Version : Anxiety [trains] [people] [course] [stressing]

08-22-2015, 09:11 PM
Hello guys my name is Matthew and in the last two years I have been getting anxiety and panic attacks. it all started when i was smoking cannabis in my room then all of a sudden i got a panic attack and it just went on from there. I immediately quit smoke Cannabis and eventually got help from a doctor and he put me on EFEXOR-XR 150mg which helps quite a bit.

Now I am in a sorta bad situation where I need to get a job so i went to a job seeker, but because I lack work experience I need to do this course to get some skill. Its Certificate III in Civil Construction but the problem is, its in the city which is 55mins away. The goverment won't accept any more medical certificates because apparently you only get so many exemptions then you have to either start looking for work or start a course at tafe/uni or whatever. So far I have done 1 week at the course but sometimes I get a panic attack while in the train because it gets to a point where there is so much people on that people have to start standing in the train, and its like where do you look, so many people that there is no where to really look at, idk its hard to explain.

It takes 15 mins to get to the train station from my house then 55 mins to get to the city, 20 mins to walk to the course from the city, and the course goes for 7 hours everyday then i have to get back. all that takes about 10 hours, so by the time i get back i have a few hours of free time then sleep just to do it again. My life has become Hecktic all of a sudden but i really need to do this.
So yeah any help would be good, I have tried that Constructive thinking that my psychologist told me to do but doesn't really work half the time.

08-23-2015, 04:04 PM
Start by thinking about this "need" you have repeatedly expressed. It seems clear you need to do a course in order to keep receiving benefits to help pay for a place to sleep and food to eat? Do you "need" to pass this course? → Can you fail it and do another one? → Can you pass it, apply for a job and not get one? → Can you do that course, then start another one?

I know that medication well. Most people do. (XR extended-release capsules.) It's thrown into the laps of many medical certificate recipients as a automatic response. It may seem to help at first, but leads into a cycle for many people. (it can also make you feel weird in the beginning - then later it will seem like the world is easier to cope ... for a while ... then you either up the dose or switch meds. Reliance factor 101) Other than the addiction, policy & consensus will see those seeking mental instability as debilitating factor will lead to millions of people taking these mind altering drugs against their better judgment and or will. That's another story that plays into the current epidemic of anxiety & depression. Just be wary of how the river runs and choose carefully where you jump in.

Learn how the system works and play the game! Play the role, but be careful what you ingest. Consensus may imply that you have to be on meds, but that is not entirely true. You can still be mentally unwell and deemed as unfit without having to jam antidepressant and antipsychotics down your gullet. It's all about building your case. There are more therapists hitting the scene that are not pro meds. Learn how to spot them. They don't advertise there stance on meds for fear of ridicule within their own field (although plays a part no doubt) ... but because in genuine cases that "warrant" their use ... they will help by then seeking such a form of intervention. Seek out those type of doctors and then you might have a chance to build a case that's not reliant on going through each day with your jaw slightly dropped and eyes loosely sitting in their sockets, wondering when its time for you next dose.

I really should write more about this kind of thing. Just don't wind up on some forum in the med section talking like your you have a phd in what meds are best to take. If that happens ... you've been hooked and live a life on the ends of strings. For sure, some people "need" them ... but most do not. Re - all of the above.

So does any of that help? I tell you this as if talking to one of my kids about to hit the street. Take it or leave it. It's a fucked up mess out there and most people don't want to say a thing because the problem is to large and others well peg you for a freak. Fear.

Meds seem like they help ... just be very careful that you have really exausted all the other methods, that you have given them a good try ... before growing the way of nullify the mind. It's understandable thought ... that people seek doing so in order to travel from A to B. Which pretty much wraps up your case.


So - WHY the NEED?

Is your heart into construction? Will it be any different from traveling on trains as to mixing it up with hard hats and trucks? Will you be able to handle the hustle and bustle of these hard yacka type telling you to go grab this and fetch that? Does your anxiety lead you into fears of how all those thing will pan out? Are you really doing this course because you want to work, or are you doing this course because you want to pay your rent and eat? Be sure to also ask yourself why that despite the meds making the days "feel better" why your still struggling from A to B.

For many the struggle is more about being forced to live a certain way. Not easy it is? Outright oppressive if you ask me.

Am I helping? Am I not being positive enough? I can hear the thoughts of others already. lol Best start taking me meds again. lol
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Just keep asking yourself a lot of question. Pose them for others like you have done ... but check yourself and be sure your not begging the questions as if looking for the same fuzzy feelings that the pills slowly release ... arrrrrr XFerrrrrrrrrrrrrr thank god I have that. "Sir,I want some more...."

Learn the game and play it well ... avoid the meds and the lables. Once you start playing instead of being a shrimp ... it's possible to start seeing a little more space into which you can further fit. Take on the lables and learn them well - take control of what label you will ware. Know what is is that you really need in order to escape what you really do not want.

You can still be fucked up, ware the label ... but do it with pride knowing your in control ... not some pen pusher who wan't a report on what and how many prescriptions you currently take!

Be real ... what do you really Need? What do they Need? (is why people take meds ... ask the question again and look for the fine print - ask yourself again!) Do you want it? How can I get it without being scared into it? How can I accept it? How can I take control? How can I get a grip? Keep asking and keep learning ... find out what they are not telling you and learn from the older fish who still have more steaming yet to be done.

PS ... I'm just not quite right in the head ... but your welcome.

On that note ... I now go work on myself ... in my own self perpetrating defense mechanized space saving thread. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/penguins/evil-penguin-smiley-emoticon.gif

You can find it in this subsection of the forum ... I really do need to extrapolate more of this. Most people will offer you CBT and a host of other things. By all means try them all - Just keep being real you yourself in all that you do and accept what you don't know ... it's all in the exposure. Hmmmmm I think more on that Pam. :) Now I really best leave and go find my thread. Oh yea ... be careful of fairies, angels and pink polka dot elephants.

Take care buddy. ;)

08-26-2015, 08:58 PM

I know the answer Ponder gave you seems long and a little twisted, he really hits the nail on the head! The long and the short of it is you need to decide what is right for you. And that what you do is because it is something you love or want to do. The same goes for meds. Think long and hard about them. I was on that same SSNI for a long time. As your life changes, reevaluate the med situation, and please don't let anyone tell you you have to take them. Do what's right for you. Once you get there you will be surprised how much of the panic and anxiety just goes away.

I wish you all the best!