View Full Version : Very anxious this whole summer and still am

08-18-2015, 11:52 AM
Hi all,

So I went back on my Effexor in June, I originally stopped it because I was still anxious (nowhere near to this bad) and I wanted to see if something could do better. That was a bad mistake that really messed me up. I've been on 225 mg of Effexor for a month and I thought it was working but this past week has been pretty anxious. There is a huge loneliness factor for me when I'm anxious. Is that common? I called my doctor yesterday and he asked me if there as anything in particular bothering me. I did recently stop talking to two of my close friends because their views and interests were getting too far different from mine. That along with being lonely because of the anxiety maybe have made it worse. I'm 21 and live alone and have been going to my moms at night when she's back from work for some comfort and company. I start my last year of college soon and I'm excited to have something to do and be distracted from everything but also nervous the anxiety will get in the way of everything. I know this started like end of May/June but it feels like forever. My doctor said go up 37.5 mg so last night was my first night on 262.5 mg of Effexor and I had odd dreams and woke up with my heart beating very quickly. The past few days have been filled with worry and irrational thoughts and I just hate this rut I'm in. I hope it ends soon. Does anyone worry nothing will help them? Can anyone relate?