View Full Version : Help Define Normality ?Newbie!!

09-01-2008, 12:35 PM
Hi i stumbled across your WEBSITE online and i must say im intrigued and was wondering whether you could point me the right direction or offer me some advice.

Basically i am a 29year old lad from inner city manchester(ENGLAND) and i have had serious problems sleeping for many years i would say, i wake up at least 6 -10 times a night sometimes every 20-40 mins either needing a drink of fluid or restless.

I could write a book about my life as its been tough after no sympathy like just trying to put all factors in place.

I have terrible nerves and worry often daily sometimes i would say i am a paranoid my brain never seems to shut off and as far as i can remember ive always been like that , if you ask 99% of my many friends they would say i was severely hyperactive , apparrently i take on everyones worries and have a big heart and i would say i agree, just feel happy helping people.

From being born i never slept till i was 4years old , literally having only 20mins per night the doctors wanted to take me in every weekend and drug me to give parents a rest but my dad would never let that happen and my parents coped god forgive,then mid 4 year old i slept for 4hrs and my mother thought i was dead and woke me , she said i would run trains and cars over her head all night wanting permanent attention, the doctors agreed i was severly hyperactive and all they said was one thing when he is older he would be very clever as i constantly absorbing information and taking in everything but in what sense would that clever end up??

The reason for saying that was although super sharp reader good at school at english and maths and very keen drama student , academically i was not great as i read too much into questions and my brain just would not settle and let me concentrate to the level that was required at the time of 16years old. Yet i somewhat made up with being able to read people and situations like the back of my hand and made friends with almost everyone at school in my year , year above and below??

The reason im trying to explain so much is that to paint a picture incase you analyse something i can.t , i always do all my homework myself as the doctors ive been to over the years have not helped trying to put me on anti-depressents and what , they make me feel zombiefied ,dissattached from the outside world like a feeling of slight peering dimension where you realise everything going on but lose the ability relate as if mentally part of you has been temporailly shut-off , personally i didn.t like it and only after a week i agreed never again.

When i was 15-21 years old i did smoke cannabis nearly everyday ,i must enlighten you that although some not all of these thoughts problems and instances were going on before that from as young as i can remember, yes i may agree that they may of enhanced for the good and bad but i can.t change history now but whether to blame this is a hard one to call.

One thing i did do was at 16years old our school was going through a LSD phase and only once did i try it and dare i say it scared me to death it was horryfying i could write a book on it the one night felt like years and would never advise it to any deep thinker with or over active brain but back on story again just try to point some of my life out give you the background.

School was rough and from being say 12- 20 had seen a lot of nasty things from shootings to being put in intensive care for 2 weeks after 30 lads robbed me for my coat at 16years old and robbed me of £30 jumping on my head, this was one of many attacks i occured from the age of 12 to say 19-20 3 mountain bikes took at knife point and my 3 coats took off me one being on christmas day when my parents had got it me for christmas , i literally had it on for 4 hrs that was a blow and half??

Ive seen things that are herendous from shootings to muggings to arson robberies to people being knifed what was i to know thought it was normality as it was for many of us, so much to write about and need to try and decipher what is relevant as i think most of it is.

We was all robbed at a party once again 15years old and was ordered on the wall off these 3 guys mid 20's where they threw playing darts at us 1 landing in my mates head full in like ?? Then there was a time where my mate had his car took off him at gun point made to sign his log book over the bad lads on the estate ,,,he then went on holiday , 3 of us minded his house and they came round with machettes knocked on and cleared the house infront of us '' i mean everything".. Explain that one to your mate. Absolutely helpless nothing at all you can do phone the police your as good as dead thats the Fact.

These occurances happened weekly sometimes daily for many years , now i am older and a communication specialist working all over the northwest of england i see a lot of differences in behaviour and just about everything its a lot to understand and evalute/analyse.

Sorry for the waffle i do get carried away just so much could factor this problem but i'm tip top physically apparently no diabetes checked 3 times recently and i must admit its really afffecting my work and family life now . As i ve concentrated on diet and other areas that i thought may be valid , bear in mind i have a compulsive addiction disorder where if im interesting in something i learn the ins and outs of it like bumping into you and chinese medicine.

Just to finish here are my symptoms ive had since i can remember urinate far too much if a drink of alcohol can go toilet every 15-20 mins throughout night but seems to be nerve driven and can vary drastically unable to hold bladder believe me ive tried.

Eurine problem

Feeling sick but not vomiting at different times of day ,tired/distant sick hard to explain ,afternoon seems to be worst but although not everyday , seems to be when i'm not too busy otherwise not affected.

The last 4 years excessive sweat disorder more than just arm-pits seems to general perspiration tried everything nothing works exhausted everything very strange, seems to be brought on with nerves sometimes no problem all day but dare say very embarrassing shower 3 times a day ,,Shirt for work can be soaked within 20 mins its not pleasant.

Lack of sleep can.t remember the last time i slept and didn.t wake up once its seems normal now. I f i do manage to have say 6hrs only waking 1-2 times i feel horrible all day can.t come round just feel lost if you understand, i sort of now wake then tell myself whether its a good brain today or not if that makes sense???, strange i know please don.t think im strange as i know im defo a full quid,it just hard to explain.

If i seem to have 3-5 hrs i feel absolutly great as if i 'm so alert i surpress everyones demena! Told constantly at work how alive i am in morning they call me the tazmania devil and everyone feels comfortable talking to me its odd?

There is so much more i would like to share with you but im running impatient and feel mentally exhausted but not in a physical sense , god this is so hard to type ,could express in person much better!!, i am a persons person.

I live in manchester do you recommend anyone who could help me in the chinese medicine world as i am getting worried out by my whole well being and health as at 29years old is this normal are they any others. any advice would be a real HELP , hope you don.t think i'm a whack as if you met me you would know i have greater mental strengths with my senses and ability to read and predict situations nothing passes my eyes or ears it can really annoy me to be honest.

Kind regards

David Murray