View Full Version : Having a hard time tonight

07-26-2015, 10:25 PM
Ok, so the other day was a great day for me. Best one I've had in a month or so. Not much anxiety and nothing I couldn't handle. I was on 187.5 mg of Effexor for a little over a week than about 4-5 days ago went up to 225 because that's what I was on 8 months ago or so and it helped me. I've been more anxious since I went up to 225mg. That's just some background.

I wake up often worried in the morning. I think to myself, is this real? Is what I'm seeing and feeling real? I think it's from the derealization I was experiencing a little bit ago and I've never felt like that before. That's been a bit better but that worry is still there. I go to walk out the door to go to a friends house and notice my cats eye was bleeding. That made me very anxious but didn't want to deal with it alone so I go to my friends house and she comes with me to go to the vet. We get the cat taken care of and I bring him home. I hate being with friends and then going home because I don't like being alone too much. My cat has a cone and he hates it. I took a quick 15 min nap and I get up to answer the door because my other friend came over. I then notice I couldn't find my cat and I was freaking out. It's not a big apartment so it shouldn't be to hard to find him. My friend says, "I know this is kind of a stupid question, but are you sure you brought the cat back"? This made everything worse and made me feel like I was crazy and thinking omg what if I didn't bring him back etc. eventually I found him in a small place in my bathroom but that was very scary. When I woke up from my nap, I also felt like kinda weird like a mix of dizzy and like I got taller and things like my hands got bigger and I couldn't help think that every time I saw my hands or was texting or something. Has anyone ever felt like this?
Anyway, my cat has a cone and I kept thinking omg he hates it and is running into things, I can't imagine what it feels like to have my surrounds feel different a cone on. I kept thinking, "what if I start to see things that way", I even made the mistake of looking to the cone to see what it would feel like. Kinda scary, not a good idea.

Anyway, heavy anxiety and worry tonight. Can anyone relate?

