View Full Version : Obsessive thougts, causing great anxiety :(

07-17-2015, 02:10 AM
Admins if you find this post please delete it, i no longer have need for an account on this forum.

07-17-2015, 04:43 AM
I was heard this once, though I can't remember where. You can't give away what isn't yours to give. Your soul belongs to God. You can choose to reject God, but you can't pass ownership of your soul to someone else.

Does that help at all?

I also have obsessive thoughts similar to this. I find meditation helps. Maybe you should look to church and prayer? But you should seek help, from a doctor or a priest. Or maybe even a friend.

I found this on a website:
One final point to note is that God loves us. He sent his son to die for us. He knows we are sinners and that we do stupid stuff all the time. The character of God is that he will give us every opportunity to come to him but he will never force it. He won't withhold his love for us based on a "technicality" that we gave our soul to the devil. God is not a petty legalist rather he is a God that loves us. John 3:16 states "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." Did you notice it didn't mention anything about "except for those who have given away their souls?" Isn't it wonderful that we have a God of love.

07-17-2015, 09:58 AM
Have you thought of maybe joining a church? To see if it could calm your fears?

It works really well for some people. I tried it for a few years- it didn't help me. But I know a lot of people it DOES help.

I too, am afraid of what comes "after." But I have accepted the fact that there is no way to know for sure. It's completely out of my hands.

It took a while to make peace with this, but it was the only thing I could do. Otherwise I wasn't living a fulfilling life.

I decided to just BE MYSELF, and do whatever it was I needed to be happy and live up to my own moral standards in life. Since doing this, my life has drastically improved. :) I trust that whatever happens to me "after" will be good, because I am a good person.

Sorry it's not much, but it's all I got for advice.

good luck!

07-17-2015, 11:33 AM
I think that is going to work out well for you. :) If you find yourself stressing about what happens "after" life, just remember you are doing what you can to be the best version of YOU now, so that good things are bound to come later.

Have fun, enjoy. We both have a lot of life ahead of us- you more than me! You deserve to enjoy it.