View Full Version : very sleepy and lazy.

06-21-2015, 11:47 PM
Lately it's been so hard to get out of bed, I wake up and feel drained, like I want to continue sleeping, and sometimes I do. Yesterday and today I didn't get out of bed, and when I did get up it was just to use the bathroom. My question is; is there a supplement I could use to get my energy back without causing anxiety?

06-22-2015, 12:51 AM
Meth? Cocaine? Just kidding. Vitamin B maybe :)

06-22-2015, 01:45 AM
I have been battling the same fatigue for a few days. I just can't seem to.get myself moving. I am pretty sure mine is strictly hormonal as tgis kind of leaden tired abd achy is somewhat cyclic. I do find I feel much better after a good brisk walk though. I can usually make myself functional again after walking a couple miles (after a 10 minute sit under the ac vent. I can't handle the heat so well these days.)

06-22-2015, 07:45 AM
Lately it's been so hard to get out of bed, I wake up and feel drained, like I want to continue sleeping, and sometimes I do. Yesterday and today I didn't get out of bed, and when I did get up it was just to use the bathroom. My question is; is there a supplement I could use to get my energy back without causing anxiety?

Do you get some exercise? If not, that might be a good start. What about a cup of coffee in the morning? For some people, that causes or exacerbates anxiety. But for others, like me, it helps wake up. A good diet -- without too much processed foods, refined sugars, etc. -- might help too.

06-22-2015, 11:25 AM
Lately it's been so hard to get out of bed, I wake up and feel drained, like I want to continue sleeping, and sometimes I do. Yesterday and today I didn't get out of bed, and when I did get up it was just to use the bathroom. My question is; is there a supplement I could use to get my energy back without causing anxiety?

You should also consider burned out adrenal glands

06-22-2015, 01:38 PM
You should also consider burned out adrenal glands

Burned out adrenal glands?

06-22-2015, 01:54 PM
Burned out adrenal glands?

Yes, many people have adrenal issues, especially those who have been stressed out for a long time over taxing the body with adrenaline rushes. I know mine are fatigued, so I am working on healing the adrenal glands.


06-22-2015, 02:11 PM
I suffered with extreme adrenal fatigue last year. Not nice at all. Took me almost 10 months to recover.

B-complex vitamins were very helpful. Getting good quality rest also important. Lastly, deal with whatever is causing your stress levels to increase.

Cut out any crap in your diet. Eat clean. No processed foods, sugar, and for some ditching all grain products. That's what worked for me.

Good luck, I don't wish adrenal issues on anyone.

06-22-2015, 02:27 PM
I suffered with extreme adrenal fatigue last year. Not nice at all. Took me almost 10 months to recover.

B-complex vitamins were very helpful. Getting good quality rest also important. Lastly, deal with whatever is causing your stress levels to increase.

Cut out any crap in your diet. Eat clean. No processed foods, sugar, and for some ditching all grain products. That's what worked for me.

Good luck, I don't wish adrenal issues on anyone.

Glad you are better! Ya, it sucks, takes a long time to wake up and shake off the groggyness. I am back to cutting out the bad food too.

06-23-2015, 02:27 PM
Thanks guys, I'm going to make an appointment with my doctor to check things out.

06-23-2015, 02:43 PM
Thanks guys, I'm going to make an appointment with my doctor to check things out.

Needtogetwell is right, it is all about cutting out sugar and junk food. yes, get a physical, but "Food is your best Medicine" written by Henry Beiler.

06-24-2015, 10:22 PM
I agree with the suggestions for exercise, good food and vitamin B. Do you suffer from depression as well as anxiety? And if you think you do, have you been diagnosed by a psychologist/psychiatrist/GP? I have experienced that same kind of fatigue when I am depressed. If you are comfortable with the idea of medication, going to your doctor/psychiatrist might be a good option, they will be able to tell you if there are pharmacological options that will help with the fatigue without making you too anxious. For me the thing that made all the difference was modafinil, but at least in Australia it's very expensive and I'm not sure how it would affect your anxiety.

06-25-2015, 05:27 AM
The OP 'sluggishness' has nothing to do with foods or vitamins. He has been in this mental state for quite some time. Until he learns to deal with his issues psychologically, the physical will always haunt him.

It's all about what you believe. It always is and it always has been.

No exceptions. No matter how strong your arguments for or against or your 'proof', or personal 'truth'. Not even 'but I heard Dr Oz say it' matter one whit.

There is no food that is inherently 'bad' or that the body cannot make use of or assimilate. Sometimes moderation is important.

There are many negative beliefs associated with pleasurable activities like eating.

Self worth, trust, esteem, deserving. It is more important to examine your beliefs about what you are doing and then determine motive than haphazardly profess 'this or that' is good or bad.

It is not that sweets are bad, it is that you were bad and could not have any. There are hidden beliefs associated with food that connect with scolding, verbal or physical.

Read that 1000 times.

In all of the sessions we have done, 99% of the issues are from childhood conditioning - with very few actually aware of it. They scream "sugar and sweets are bad for you" while at the same time craving it, and not knowing where any of those feelings came from.

Nowadays 'processed' foods are under the radar, truth is it does not matter how the mass opinion swing through the decades (as chaotic as science), it's always the psyche to fix, not the foods.

The body is adaptive, and resiliant, it can do with almost any foods for nourishment. It is always a reflection of the psyche in that the blueprint is mental. If you are overweight for example, then that is what is pictured over and over in the imagination. The body conforms to your thoughts about it. Showing you first hand the mental state. Whether your thinking is right or wrong. Since you cannot escape your bodies, you are meant to listen and learn from what they show you.

Take note, OP, and most of you reading this.