View Full Version : Severe anxiety about moving

08-26-2008, 01:46 PM
I have lived in my current apartment for over 4 years now. My lease is coming up for renewal in November and lately I feel like the management is trying to get me to leave. First there is a complaint of the smell of pet urine coming from my place. This is weird because I have been there 4 years and never had any issues like that before. So an inspection was needed. I got a letter left on my door saying this, and it was when I was extremely sick. So I cleaned like mad and the manager who said she would be the one to come over, sent an assistant instead who kept saying she didn't know what she was suppose to be doing, she was just told to come "sniff". She did and remarked that it smelt "perfumey". Excuse me, but I like potpourri and it smelled like cinnamon spice. The issue was pet urine smell, now there is a remark on potpourri? Then she goes over to my puppy who is 11 months old and was sitting in her kennel. She asked what kind of dog she was and me being still really sick and having allergic reaction to the meds I was on made a mistake and said Staffordshire Terrier & Shar Pei mix, when I meant Boxer Shar Pei mix. I had looked at several puppies after my dog died and had looked at both but got the Boxer. But she immediately jumped and said oh your not allowed to have her.
She just refused to listen to me trying to say I had made a mistake. So I know she ran back to the manager to tell her I have a dog I am not allowed to have there. Now I don't know what to do. I am not getting rid of her, especially when I just made a mistake on accident. I have her vet papers from check ups showing her breed as Boxer/Shar Pei.
Anyway, I feel like they are now coming up with things to pick about to try and get me out of there. They seem to have no problems when people leave after their 1 year lease is up, I am not sure if they have some kind of incentive or what. If it is some how better to them to have tenants move out a year or 2 after moving in. My home doesn't feel like home anymore and I use to never want to leave. I was so comfortable there. So I have started looking at new apartments to move to when my lease is up, but a huge wave of panic comes over me every time I think of moving.
I have seen some nice places in the rental mags but I can't seem to get past the fear of moving. I won't feel comfortable, I won't feel at home, I won't be familiar with the surroundings, what if the new place feels cold, etc.
I need some serious advice on how to handle this. How can I feel comfortable in a new place? I am no longer comfortable at my current place, so I know it is now time to move. But HELP!!!! I have so much panic and anxiety on how I will feel when I walk into a new place knowing my old place is gone. Drugs don't help with these feelings.

08-26-2008, 05:01 PM
hey there.. It's quite common to worry about moving house.. people's stress levels do differ.. it's seems that you are extremely worried about moving, which is bringing on this panic and anxiety.

You've got to accept that in life you are going to come across uncomfortable situations, and that it just isn't going to always run smoothy and to plan.. You just have to stay positive though.. What i do know is that moving house is i think the most stressfull thing to under go here in the UK (i remember reading a poll or something a while back) so i can appreciate how anxious you must feel!

I think that moving house will be good for you though, it seems that you're having problems with your landlord or whatever so everything will be fine for you evetually!.. The 'what if's' worries are again common.. whenever you do something new, whether its starting a new school or job you always think of the worst possible outcome 'what if i have no friends' 'what if i hate my job' it's just the way people think......and the same goes for you moving house, it's exactly the same thing!. you just have to 'go with the flow' and just take the risks, thats life i'm afraid! you just don't know whats going to be around the corner....I'm sure everything will all be ok for you, try to keep as busy as you can to stop the negative thoughts creeping in and take it easy :)