View Full Version : Magnesium: does anyone use it? Is it helpful?

06-02-2015, 11:58 PM
Hi everyone.

Any of you who know me, know that I tend to research a subject to death and toss out questions here to validate or disprove my reading. My topic of the moment is the supplement magnesium.

Much of what my reading has told me is this: 1. The majority of the population is deficient. And 2. Magnesium supplementation can help with anxiety and depression.

So, my question to you is: has anyone tried it? and how does it help you.

Thanks for your replies in advance.


06-03-2015, 12:22 AM
I say take it, and for the two reasons you mentioned, too. Unless you eat a fantastic diet, you're likely going to be deficient. Couple in stress and the fact you're a woman (sorry, ladies), and you have even more reason to take it.

The good thing about magnesium supplementation is you don't need to take huge amounts like you do with vitamin D, vitamin B and vitamin C. You can just take the RDI, or slightly lower than the RDI, and you'll be good to go. Because it's a mineral, all you really need to do is give yourself a top up.

A year ago I had extensive vitamin testing done, as I was sort of paranoid I'd become deficient in something over the years due to bad diet. Everything came back ok, but my magnesium levels came back low. After taking supplementation for 3 months, my energy levels improved dramatically, as did my sleep (no more waking up multiple times in the night). I also felt a little calmer.

For $9 a month, it's worth taking the supplement for three months, just in case. As long as you don't take more than 500mg per day, it really isn't going to mess up your ratios or cause toxicity, or anything like that. Very little to lose, but a lot to gain, as far as I'm concerned.

If you really want to be meticulous, you could get tested and add your daily food intake into Fitday.com, just to see if where you're currently at and how much magnesium you're actually getting.

06-03-2015, 01:46 AM
I've heard about this a lot too. I've been considering it myself, and someone replied to a thread I posted that it had helped them.
In addition the supplement, there are other ways to get magnesium. My doctor recommended something called epsom salts for a back ache I've been having. You put it in the bath and soak I guess. They contain a lot of magnesium, and in my research I found it is also helpful for anxiety. I also first became aware of the magnesium idea in a men's magazine that said eating cashews helps fight depression and anxiety because they have a lot of magnesium.

06-03-2015, 02:13 AM
I take it but I have no idea if it makes a difference :)

06-03-2015, 10:43 AM
Pam, I've always wanted to try out magnesium too.. According to Google, it helps! Lol think I'll pick some up today & give it a try.

& Bergen, I read on some anxiety thing that a handful of cashews is equal to taking one Prozac! My dad went & bought me a huge bag after him learning this haha. I haven't tried it yet because my pregnancy has me on a strict diet.

06-03-2015, 11:23 AM
Hi everyone.

Any of you who know me, know that I tend to research a subject to death and toss out questions here to validate or disprove my reading. My topic of the moment is the supplement magnesium.

Much of what my reading has told me is this: 1. The majority of the population is deficient. And 2. Magnesium supplementation can help with anxiety and depression.

So, my question to you is: has anyone tried it? and how does it help you.

Thanks for your replies in advance.


I have a magnesium drink I use when I am feeling unusually anxious. It's called Natural Calm.. it has calcium + magnesium, it's suppose to be more beneficial to take both together.

Anyways, I don't take it every day, but like I said when I'm feeling a little extra on edge I mix it with some water and drink it(tastes like lemon water..). It takes the edge off.. It's not a miracle worker but it does make a difference. Too much of it can make me a little sleepy too..

I like having it on hand. :)

06-03-2015, 11:38 AM
I actually have been using magnesium in a couple of forms for the last 3 weeks or so and have found it to be hugely beneficial.

Extreme muscle and back pain: under better control than it has been in over a year

Headaches: tension and migraine- haven't had one in 3 weeks which is astounding because I had been getting them several times a week.

Heart palpitations: yep, wonderful part of being a 50 yr old woman, basically entirely gone.

Here's the big one- anxiety and stress: has helped alleviate most of it. Now understand that I have a full tool box of strategies to combat anxiety. But I have to say that those strategies are working better than they have in a while.

Through the reading I have done on magnesium, I have found that using magnesium oil works the best. It goes through the skin and your skin only absorbs as much as you need.

If you are considering trying this supplement do your research, I am not a doctor and am only telling you what works for me. Before trying this check to make sure you don't have any conditions or take any meds that might be affected by magnesium.

06-03-2015, 11:40 AM
Pam, I've always wanted to try out magnesium too.. According to Google, it helps! Lol think I'll pick some up today & give it a try. & Bergen, I read on some anxiety thing that a handful of cashews is equal to taking one Prozac! My dad went & bought me a huge bag after him learning this haha. I haven't tried it yet because my pregnancy has me on a strict diet.


Before you try this check with your doctor or naturopath. If you are still taking meds and because you are pregnant you want to be absolutely certain that it wind have any effects on you or the baby.

06-03-2015, 11:43 AM
I have a magnesium drink I use when I am feeling unusually anxious. It's called Natural Calm.. it has calcium + magnesium, it's suppose to be more beneficial to take both together. Anyways, I don't take it every day, but like I said when I'm feeling a little extra on edge I mix it with some water and drink it(tastes like lemon water..). It takes the edge off.. It's not a miracle worker but it does make a difference. Too much of it can make me a little sleepy too.. I like having it on hand. :)

I too have the natural calm, it works quite well with the magnesium oil, but I don't take that one every day, just when I need a little extra to take the edge off.

06-03-2015, 12:04 PM

Before you try this check with your doctor or naturopath. If you are still taking meds and because you are pregnant you want to be absolutely certain that it wind have any effects on you or the baby.

Oh yes, good idea! I'll ask my doctor before I buy any.

But since being pregnant, I get crazy heart palpitations!! So annoying lol hopefully I can try magnesium & that can help those

06-03-2015, 12:25 PM
I too have the natural calm, it works quite well with the magnesium oil, but I don't take that one every day, just when I need a little extra to take the edge off.

Yep! Exactly when I use it.. takes the edge off lol.

The only other thing I have noticed.. and this might be a TMI but whatever.. I have taken it on an empty stomach and it makes me have to run to the bathroom sometimes... so that's something to note I guess. lol :)

06-03-2015, 12:52 PM
I wanted to take it but it has some interaction with Gabapentin so it is no for me.

06-03-2015, 01:04 PM
Oh yes, good idea! I'll ask my doctor before I buy any. But since being pregnant, I get crazy heart palpitations!! So annoying lol hopefully I can try magnesium & that can help those

I will go back into the research and look closely at the sections on magnesium and pregnancy, I didn't look closely at them cause no way in hell am I ever going to be pregnant again! lol