View Full Version : Anyone have experience with Pristiq?

06-01-2015, 09:12 AM
Has anyone taken Pristiq for anxiety? Is it at all different from Effexor? I had bad reactions to Effexor when I started taking it, but I suspect those reactions might have been due to my anxiety about taking the medication.

06-01-2015, 10:23 AM
I have not taken Pristiq but I was on Effexor for quite a while and it helped greatly

I also had side effects from many meds. And you are right, 99% chance it was your anxiety about not wanting to take meds

I know that was the case for me

06-01-2015, 12:05 PM
I've not taken Pristiq either but I also was on Effexor for several months and found it to be helpful. The only reason I switched to something else is my insurance company decided to stop paying for it. I've heard that the formulas are fairly similar and that both treat depression but Effexor works better for panic and anxiety.

I'm not a huge fan of Dr. Google but I did find a webpage that made a comparison of Effexor and Pristiq

One thing that I would avoid doing is researching side effects because I've noticed personally when I pay too much attention to the list of side effects it messes with me. I end up having side effects because I read about them.

06-01-2015, 02:31 PM
I only took Effexor for 4 days and then got off it and felt huge relief from that. Maybe I should have stayed on it though. I was able to manage fine after that, but it was about 6 months later that I started getting significant physical symptoms of anxiety which I'd never had before and now I have them constantly. It's still a huge mystery to me how or why this happened.