View Full Version : Feeling blue

05-30-2015, 04:43 PM
Well, I've been feeling okay about this but now that the day has almost arrived, I'm freaking myself out..

My mom & dad are going two hours away tomorrow morning (Sunday) until Monday evening.

All I keep thinking is what if an earthquake happens & they're that far away from me. Lol this is crazy. This new found fear is literally insane.

But hopefully once they get home, I'll see that nothing happened & I'll be closer to cutting this fear short!

05-30-2015, 04:59 PM
I looked at the forecast and they're not predicting any earthquakes. So you will be good....

05-30-2015, 05:03 PM
Brooke just remember how many times it happened and you were ok, you will be ok today and tomorrow and they will be back :))

05-30-2015, 05:05 PM
Damn, Brooke. You are going to need to get your own section in the forum if you keep making threads. :)

There is the welcome section, the general section and then there is the Brooke section

Your increased nervousness about this whole earthquake thing I'm certain has to do with you about to birth that baby of yours. I think you just latched onto earthquakes for no real reason, it was just convenient living in the land of beautiful people

As hard as it is to recall when freaking out about whatever the trigger is, try and just keep in mind that it is the anxiety deiving your thoughts and not the rational Brooke that healed so well not too long ago

05-30-2015, 05:19 PM
Okay Kuma, perfect!! Lol

Dahila I'll keep reminding myself that! Thank you! I'm happy my sisters will be here with me too.

Nixon, ugh I know I post a lot! Don't judge me 😭 lol

& I think you're right.. It is about him. I'm so scared of anything happening to him. These last 6 weeks are gonna be hard. Trying to make sure he's as safe as possible in there. I keep coming up with crazy fears that "might" happen. It's crazy.. But I guess this is what real love feels like.. I better get use to it!!

05-30-2015, 05:52 PM
Brooke you are going to leave us when the baby comes. Do not forget to post us on the happy event. What I said, you will be okey;)) Your siste will not leave your side :))

05-30-2015, 05:54 PM
Brooke you are going to leave us when the baby comes. Do not forget to post us on the happy event. What I said, you will be okey;)) Your siste will not leave your side :))

I'll never leave you all! :) I will keep you guys up to date! You know I'm gonna freak in labor & need you guys to calm me! Lol

05-30-2015, 05:59 PM
we will be here, I remember my labor there was not time to get stressed out due the necessity of having child born :)) It was hard but I went through it twice without any drugs of course:)) you will be ok and we will be waiting for it:)

05-30-2015, 07:22 PM
Just bring your iPad in the delivery room with you.

You can do a play by play and we will be on call in case the anxiety tries to help you deliver

05-31-2015, 10:35 AM
Haha I will definitely do a play by play for you guys!! Lol

Dahila I want to try natural! My anxiety questions it but then epidurals give me anxiety too or so I would expect it too lol labor will be interesting to say the least!

05-31-2015, 01:47 PM
Each woman should make her own decision, but my understanding from my wife, and other women I know, is that it is much easier with an epidural. And there's no glory in suffering needless pain. Better to be as comfortable as possible. (But what do I know; I am a guy!)

05-31-2015, 01:54 PM
My wife lasted an hour before she was screaming for an epidural.

Chicks are just weak. :o

05-31-2015, 01:56 PM
Yea epidurals are easier from what I've heard too. But there's also those random cases of bad things happening. & being completely numb from my waste down FREAKS ME OUT lol

Nixon, we are not! You try having a baby -_- lol

05-31-2015, 01:59 PM
The exception to that rule is probably Dahila. She could give birth while cooking Thanksgiving dinner and welding something

She is pretty bad ass

05-31-2015, 02:11 PM
The exception to that rule is probably Dahila. She could give birth while cooking Thanksgiving dinner and welding something

She is pretty bad ass

Your sigs are killing me.

05-31-2015, 02:47 PM
You guys always manage to make me laugh. Brookelynnn, good luck and please do keep us informed and i hope somebody sends me a PM when the play by play starts.

05-31-2015, 05:11 PM
Nixon you are bad ass yourself :)

Brooke stop reading or projecting bad things. My daughter took epidural and nothing happened. Tons of woman take it and nothing happen, Just be happy, very soon you are going to bring to world a beautiful child and share happy news with us:)) Soon, so when is your due day?

05-31-2015, 05:32 PM
Thank you John! Will do! :)

Dahila ugh I know lol but then you knows those people who love to share their horror stories to first time moms!! Lol my due date is July 26th but I have gestational diabetes & my dr is gonna induce me early. Because I'm 32 weeks today & he's measuring 4oz short of 5 lbs!!!!! Lol he's a big boy

05-31-2015, 05:33 PM
Howdy, John.

Yes, the pregnancy thread has the potential to be an all-time forum classic. I can just imagine it now: "I'm giving birth and I'm anxious. HELP!!" My prediction is 400 posts minimum.

05-31-2015, 06:35 PM
Thank you John! Will do! :)

Dahila ugh I know lol but then you knows those people who love to share their horror stories to first time moms!! Lol my due date is July 26th but I have gestational diabetes & my dr is gonna induce me early. Because I'm 32 weeks today & he's measuring 4oz short of 5 lbs!!!!! Lol he's a big boy
Yeah I had never understand why others share their horror stories, when usually it is not horror story. People try to make themselves important and unique. There is only one way to have a child so far, so we have no choice but to get into labor :))

06-01-2015, 12:51 AM
You are a braver soul than I. When the time came I was more than ready for a needle to the spine. Luckily for me there was a mixup with anesthesiologists and I received demerol, an epidural, and a second shot of demerol. I was BOMBED!!! The nurse told me to push and I said "nah, you can go ahead and pull" then fell asleep.
If you do opt for the epidural route do NOT try to take a shower right after birth when no one is looking. I had to inch worm across the floor after falling in my efforts.
All in all its way lots of fun, like a good night at the bar.. but with afterbirth, and a case of the sore ass instead of a hangover

06-01-2015, 05:36 AM
I had an epidural as well. Screw giving birth without one.

06-01-2015, 07:35 AM
I had an epidural as well. Screw giving birth without one.
I agree and I would accept it gladly, but at the time i had my kids there was not epidural in use :))

06-01-2015, 09:33 AM
I agree and I would accept it gladly, but at the time i had my kids there was not epidural in use :))

Same with my mom! She had the first 3 with no epidural & then once my brother was born in 2003, it was an option, she got it & she said she would've done it every time if she could lol

06-01-2015, 06:43 PM
I was induced + epidural because my labour didn't progress properly. I was watching the contractions after the epidural/induction and on the monitor they went from like 40 to 80. I was howling at 40 so I can only imagine what full contractions must be like!

Sorry Brooke if that scares you.. Everyone's different. I don't have child baring hips lol.

06-01-2015, 11:27 PM
Brooke, Brooke, Brooke.....my sweet mommy to be....

We wouldn't steer you wrong, if you have learned one thing over the past year it should be that what your brain is telling you and getting you caught in the "loop" is just playing a game with you. Jump off that earthquake roller coaster! If one happens then you will do exactly what you learned as a kid growing up in California, every kid learns where they should go and what to do, just like learning a fire drill.

Now, on a humorous note, when I lived in northern Cal, we always said " bring it on....we will have beach front property! " you would too being where you live. One day I will tell you about the SF earthquake of 1989. Interesting experience!

As for the labor and drugs thing, just go with the flow. Be open to the drugs even if it isn't your first choice. You can not anticipate how you will feel until it happens, no sense getting spun about it in your last 6 weeks. From the woman who really thought she would do it drug free, after being induced I lasted 45 minutes before I was screaming for the drugs! Yay me! Super woman I am not, but really it made the whole thing much easier to handle.

Hang in there sweetheart, the finish line is in sight, and baby Zane is the big prize.

06-01-2015, 11:49 PM
I was induced + epidural because my labour didn't progress properly. I was watching the contractions after the epidural/induction and on the monitor they went from like 40 to 80. I was howling at 40 so I can only imagine what full contractions must be like!

Sorry Brooke if that scares you.. Everyone's different. I don't have child baring hips lol.

Yea I can't even imagine that pain.. I'll soon know though!! Lol & it's okay, I know it's gonna hurt unfortunately.. Lol

06-01-2015, 11:56 PM
Yea I can't even imagine that pain.. I'll soon know though!! Lol & it's okay, I know it's gonna hurt unfortunately.. Lol

If it's any consolation, at least pregnancy isn't as painful as a kick in the nuts.

06-01-2015, 11:56 PM
Brooke, Brooke, Brooke.....my sweet mommy to be....

We wouldn't steer you wrong, if you have learned one thing over the past year it should be that what your brain is telling you and getting you caught in the "loop" is just playing a game with you. Jump off that earthquake roller coaster! If one happens then you will do exactly what you learned as a kid growing up in California, every kid learns where they should go and what to do, just like learning a fire drill.

Now, on a humorous note, when I lived in northern Cal, we always said " bring it on....we will have beach front property! " you would too being where you live. One day I will tell you about the SF earthquake of 1989. Interesting experience!

As for the labor and drugs thing, just go with the flow. Be open to the drugs even if it isn't your first choice. You can not anticipate how you will feel until it happens, no sense getting spun about it in your last 6 weeks. From the woman who really thought she would do it drug free, after being induced I lasted 45 minutes before I was screaming for the drugs! Yay me! Super woman I am not, but really it made the whole thing much easier to handle.

Hang in there sweetheart, the finish line is in sight, and baby Zane is the big prize.

My parents just got home & of course there was no quake! Yay lol I wanna move out of Cali now! Haha I'm about 2 hours, give or take, from SF.

I'm totally open to an epidural if that's what saves me from an attack! Like you said, I won't know until I feel it but I will just take whatever route that steers me from an attack. That's actually my greatest fear.. Not the pain. But having a panic attack. Because then my mind goes crazy & I think I'll die. Ughhhh lol

I'm so ready to have that prize! I've waited 8 long months so far & it's been anything but easy! Lol

06-01-2015, 11:58 PM
If it's any consolation, at least pregnancy isn't as painful as a kick in the nuts.

I heard on tv the other day that it may be more painful because you never hear a guy say, I'll get kicked in the nuts again but women say oh I'll have another baby. Lol

06-02-2015, 01:29 AM
I'm skimming through posts and read about the baby.... that is so exciting. Congrats!

As for your anxiety, I can relate. As a child I had the worst separation anxiety when leaving my mom or having her leave me. It was honestly debilitating. It's definitely better now that i'm 19 years old but I know it will come back in full force if she were to go on vacation somewhere far away. It's a terrible feeling =[

Just keep things going that calm you down and stay distracted and before you know it your parents will be back safely and your anxiety will be gone.

06-03-2015, 12:13 AM
I'm skimming through posts and read about the baby.... that is so exciting. Congrats!

As for your anxiety, I can relate. As a child I had the worst separation anxiety when leaving my mom or having her leave me. It was honestly debilitating. It's definitely better now that i'm 19 years old but I know it will come back in full force if she were to go on vacation somewhere far away. It's a terrible feeling =[

Just keep things going that calm you down and stay distracted and before you know it your parents will be back safely and your anxiety will be gone.

Thank you!! :)

I'm glad I'm not the only one who needs their momma! Lol & I'm 22! I'll always have separation anxiety with her.. I moved out with my ex about 2 1/2 years ago for 1 1/2 years & I was at my parents every single day. & my anxiety wasn't even that bad then! Lol

Thanks the advice. I was able to stay busy the whole time they were gone & I got through it. They'll be leaving again Thursday but this time, just for the day. I wish they wouldn't go but I can't be selfish about everything! Lol