05-30-2015, 10:04 AM
More often that not, one can see how the anxiety experience is entirely based in, if not heavily influenced by a desire for control.
"I can't plan my life anymore"
"This isn't how I saw things going"
"I can't guarantee - insert panic event here - won't happen when I go out in public"
"I may get sick, or this may happen to me"
So on and so forth.
I want to communicate that control is a gimmick. It's a perception of security that doesn't really exist. At some point, a lot of people recognize this, and don't know how to perceive their reality anymore without said security.
One was never guaranteed that life wouldn't happen. Somewhere along the line, however, we tend accept that our lives will be just as we have painted them in our minds. When X factors begin to ruin that painting, anxiety is created.
When we begin to accept that we are not good enough, not strong enough, not healthy enough, as an identity (often through measures of not being in control), we no longer have a core self identity that is healthy - thus all of our perceptions change.
I do not mean to suggest this is the only route to anxiety, but I believe it is a common one.
It is ok - actually desirable to not be in control as we have been taught to. Through living for this moment and being grateful for every one that comes along, one can begin to see the beauty of living. Not monotonous, safe, controlled life, but actual living.
Through giving up the need to control and plan our lives, we can see life as it is, and actually gain true "control" - which is balance. We can begin to remember who we are - at our core - and start pursuing our dreams.
Don't live for the future, live for today, as that is all you are guaranteed. If you think about it, the past and future don't really exist - they are concepts. All we ever experience is the moment. Operate for the moment, not for future control. Through that operation, one can forge their path again.
It is better to make mistakes, than to make nothing at all.
"I can't plan my life anymore"
"This isn't how I saw things going"
"I can't guarantee - insert panic event here - won't happen when I go out in public"
"I may get sick, or this may happen to me"
So on and so forth.
I want to communicate that control is a gimmick. It's a perception of security that doesn't really exist. At some point, a lot of people recognize this, and don't know how to perceive their reality anymore without said security.
One was never guaranteed that life wouldn't happen. Somewhere along the line, however, we tend accept that our lives will be just as we have painted them in our minds. When X factors begin to ruin that painting, anxiety is created.
When we begin to accept that we are not good enough, not strong enough, not healthy enough, as an identity (often through measures of not being in control), we no longer have a core self identity that is healthy - thus all of our perceptions change.
I do not mean to suggest this is the only route to anxiety, but I believe it is a common one.
It is ok - actually desirable to not be in control as we have been taught to. Through living for this moment and being grateful for every one that comes along, one can begin to see the beauty of living. Not monotonous, safe, controlled life, but actual living.
Through giving up the need to control and plan our lives, we can see life as it is, and actually gain true "control" - which is balance. We can begin to remember who we are - at our core - and start pursuing our dreams.
Don't live for the future, live for today, as that is all you are guaranteed. If you think about it, the past and future don't really exist - they are concepts. All we ever experience is the moment. Operate for the moment, not for future control. Through that operation, one can forge their path again.
It is better to make mistakes, than to make nothing at all.