View Full Version : Hello everyone. Looking for some advice.

05-19-2015, 01:11 AM
I hope you all are doing well and finding the support you seek through this forum! This is my first time ever dealing with anxiety. I just turned 24 and I feel as though I've hit a mental roadblock. I know it's typical to struggle in your early 20's, but I feel like this is different. I guess it all started a few months ago when I had an inflamed tendon in my chest that made me have my first panic attack. Ever since then things haven't been quite the same. I feel as though I can never put my mind at ease. I constantly worry about my mom who's having a real tough time right now, my health, my future (I just graduated college and am having trouble finding a job), just getting out of a toxic relationship, and so on. I've been finding it extremely difficult to find excitement in things at times, to get motivated or focused about anything, and to feel like my old self. Additionally, I feel disconnected from reality sometimes.. I don't feel depressed, I easily leave my house and do stuff, I haven't had any anxiety attacks other than the first one, I don't get really anxious about anything, and it doesn't affect any of my daily activities. Originally I thought I could just read up on it and fix it myself, but I think it's time to ask for help. I used to feel embarrassed about others knowing I deal with this, but I know it's completely normal. So I'm turning to this forum and all of you: I want to feel like myself again. I want to feel confident again, I want to feel real emotions again, to get motivated and focused and to figure out how to cope with or overcome anxiety! Thank you for any of you who read this, any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Sanjiro Keon
05-20-2015, 01:43 AM
Hi to everyone,Firstly i thank the admin for accepting my account in forum...

05-20-2015, 05:46 AM
I hope you all are doing well and finding the support you seek through this forum! This is my first time ever dealing with anxiety. I just turned 24 and I feel as though I've hit a mental roadblock. I know it's typical to struggle in your early 20's, but I feel like this is different. I guess it all started a few months ago when I had an inflamed tendon in my chest that made me have my first panic attack. Ever since then things haven't been quite the same. I feel as though I can never put my mind at ease. I constantly worry about my mom who's having a real tough time right now, my health, my future (I just graduated college and am having trouble finding a job), just getting out of a toxic relationship, and so on. I've been finding it extremely difficult to find excitement in things at times, to get motivated or focused about anything, and to feel like my old self. Additionally, I feel disconnected from reality sometimes.. I don't feel depressed, I easily leave my house and do stuff, I haven't had any anxiety attacks other than the first one, I don't get really anxious about anything, and it doesn't affect any of my daily activities. Originally I thought I could just read up on it and fix it myself, but I think it's time to ask for help. I used to feel embarrassed about others knowing I deal with this, but I know it's completely normal. So I'm turning to this forum and all of you: I want to feel like myself again. I want to feel confident again, I want to feel real emotions again, to get motivated and focused and to figure out how to cope with or overcome anxiety! Thank you for any of you who read this, any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Hiya, Mitch

Early 20's is about right to realize you have this awesome disorder. I was 22 when my world changed. Sucks

Your lack of focus and inability to find excitement is normal with anxiety. Being unable to focus is so frustrating

Derealization is just another gift Anxiety gives you.

The good thing about you seeking help is you're doing it early on before you start avoiding the things you mention above. Learn what anxiety is and how it affects your mind and body. It will throw so much false information out there. Choose to believe it, you have problems. Choose to recognize what it is, you get past it quickly

The best of luck to you

05-20-2015, 10:13 PM
Hi Mitch and welcome :)