View Full Version : getting back into work

08-21-2008, 08:55 AM
Hi all,
I'm wondering whether anyone here has views or advice on getting back into work. I've spent several years out with depression and anxiety but am now getting back on my feet and hoping to soon find a job.

The trouble is when i think of going to an employment agency i feel petrifide. Anxiety goes back up and im consumed by self loathing, that I'm not good enough and that i will be ridiculed.
I dont want to let this rule my life anymore and it would be great to hear from anyone that has any thoughts or has been through this.

Why can i not just go out and do it!! argghh!

08-23-2008, 11:53 PM
Getting back to work was such a savior to me. Depression and anxiety had really weakened my sleeping patterns. I would wake up at 1-2pm everyday and still felt i should go back to sleep. Work gives you something to get up for and not only that, it gets your mind set on something else but yourself for a good amount of hours throughout the day. Plus you get money, so you can look forward on what to spend it on, that always keeps me going.

09-16-2008, 02:43 PM
Hi there
I see your post was a little while ago and I'm wondering how you've got on with going back to work.

to help with your self confidence you could write a list of all the things you're good at and memorise them. Then you go in to the interview or working day with that little extra confidence!