View Full Version : How are you people doing on medicine

05-10-2015, 02:29 AM
I am suffering from anxiety disorder for last 4 years now for year or so i have started medicine anxiety thoughts have lessen using those medicines i want to ask how long it would take to cure my anxiety i have also heard you have to take anxiety medicine for lifetime is this true also.

05-10-2015, 02:39 AM
Hi there :)

I've been on meds for twenty odd years and it doesn't ever cure your anxiety, just makes it a bit easier to deal with. I've found it mostly helps get me out of bad anxiety/depressive episodes and then maybe keeps me on an even keel. But yes, you have to do other things like therapy and make lifestyle changes to "cure" anxiety. There are lots of people here who don't take meds at all, so no you definitely don't have to take it for life.. It just depends on the individual and how you want to deal with it.

Gypsy x

05-10-2015, 02:44 AM
ok thanks for your reply appreciate it.Yes i find it good on medicine but i am also doing exersise perhaps have to find some others way so that my anxiety level goes down have been lucky to have only one panic attack but living with anxiety is really a sad thing feel for those people who are living with it and God give them the strenth to fight and live with this.

05-10-2015, 05:55 AM
Exercise is good yeah :)

I now just see anxiety as one of the cards I was dealt in life. You make the best of what you've got.

05-10-2015, 07:05 AM
Hi ,

I have been on Sertraline for almost 5 years (was meant to be two months and started off on citalopram), generally I find that though I still get intensely stressed day to day, it does perhaps give me the lift I need to get out of bed in the morning. I hope to come off it maybe when I finish my last year of uni next year but we'll see :) I agree with Gypsylee though, therapy alongside medication is helpful

:) x