View Full Version : Physical Symptoms - I don't know if I should seek medical help

05-09-2015, 09:47 PM
I have been suffering with anxiety issues since I was a child and been a hypochondriac most of my life. I use to have a great grip on my anxiety for about 4 - 5 years until I lost a good friend abruptly this past year. Since the loss my panic and anxiety has been almost nonstop due mostly to my hypochondria which I posted recently about here, "Stuggling for a While" was the post. I normally recognize my usual triggers and can dodge them, such as heart palpitations, momentary heaviness in my chest, and a general sense of my end coming soon.

Yesterday while speaking with a customer mid-sentance I just lost my breath, like it had just left me and that triggered my panic like no other. I thought it was all over for me and I just sat at my desk for a half hour after the client left thinking what do i do. Now a couple hours ago I thought I was about to feel the same feeling that I did yesterday but it seemed to pass, unfortunately just the thought of it coming threw me into a panic spiral. IF this is an anxiety related symptom I would just like to hear that to know that I should be ok, and if anyone can explain why after so many years of consistent physical trigger symptoms why now is my mind trying to throw me curve balls. I'm tired of seeing doctors and being told its always anxiety, it's become embarrassing. I know I carry this issue but just to hear similar ordeals I feel can help calm my mind.

Thakn you in advance for any guidance or support.

05-09-2015, 10:34 PM
My panic attacks happen this way also.. So yes it is anxiety! Hang in there.

I feel anxious. Then the panic flares. We push it away. But now worry, when will it happen again? Which that causes anxiety & then it's a vicious cycle. I haven't mastered how to stop all of this. But when I feel it, I tell myself I've felt this way before & nothing happened. Maybe try that.

05-10-2015, 12:12 PM
That's how I have been able to overcome my panic the last five years. I acknowledge that this is all in my head stemming from anxiety and I am able to avoid the attack. I am trying that now today and the past few days but it is so difficult because this is a new physical ailment I have never had related to my anxiety. I currently keep feeling like I will lose my breath again and/or just go into a shortness of breath fit and keep saying its all just the anxiety but it is ridiculously difficult because at the same time I keep thinking why would I out of nowhere have a change in my panic pattern.

Do you ever experience new symptoms like that? I know I am under tremendous stress due to me completing my finals tomorrow and graduating but this just seems so new and unsafe.