View Full Version : Hi everyone! (I'm new here, but not new to anxiety)

Leon Crane
05-06-2015, 01:58 PM
Hey everyone,

I've been diagnosed with GAD (generalized anxiety disorder for about 10 years now) and just wanted to join a group and help others with their struggles while leaning on a few a you in the process if that's okay. I've been a bit lonely recently, as many people can feel with anxiety, and I was hoping to reach out to the community here. I recently had a few unfortunate things happen in a row, which, individually were not so bad, but in a row was a bit overwhelming and made my anxiety spike :(.

I hope to be able to talk and get to know a bunch of you guys and gals!

I'm curious what you guys do when you're feeling lonely that makes you feel better or less overwhelmed?


05-06-2015, 02:22 PM
Hey everyone,

I've been diagnosed with GAD (generalized anxiety disorder for about 10 years now) and just wanted to join a group and help others with their struggles while leaning on a few a you in the process if that's okay. I've been a bit lonely recently, as many people can feel with anxiety, and I was hoping to reach out to the community here. I recently had a few unfortunate things happen in a row, which, individually were not so bad, but in a row was a bit overwhelming and made my anxiety spike :(.

I hope to be able to talk and get to know a bunch of you guys and gals!

I'm curious what you guys do when you're feeling lonely that makes you feel better or less overwhelmed?


Hi Drew, welcome! You're not alone! Some things I like to do when I'm feeling down or lonely is a good video game. Golf is also a great way to relax and get care-free. Are you single? If so, I suggest online dating. It's a rush. It's how I met my girlfriend of 3 years.

Sometimes I channel loneliness into my work. If I'm feeling lonely or down, sometimes I'll just work really hard at the office until I'm worn out, then have a nice relaxing sleep at home.

Please reach out with any other questions, I recently cured myself of anxiety. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Leon Crane
05-06-2015, 02:26 PM
Hi Drew, welcome! You're not alone! Some things I like to do when I'm feeling down or lonely is a good video game. Golf is also a great way to relax and get care-free. Are you single? If so, I suggest online dating. It's a rush. It's how I met my girlfriend of 3 years.

Sometimes I channel loneliness into my work. If I'm feeling lonely or down, sometimes I'll just work really hard at the office until I'm worn out, then have a nice relaxing sleep at home.

Please reach out with any other questions, I recently cured myself of anxiety. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Thanks so much! Yea, I am single and I love video games :) Currently playing Farcry 4 <3.... How did you cure yourself?! Thanks for the advice!


05-06-2015, 02:45 PM
Thanks so much! Yea, I am single and I love video games :) Currently playing Farcry 4 <3.... How did you cure yourself?! Thanks for the advice!


Sounds like a fun game! I'll have to check it out.

Please see my quote below. This is a thread I started, feel free to comment on this thread, it's in the "General discussion" area. I'll copy and paste the intro for ya :-)

How I recently defeated my anxiety

I didn't want to post this until it had been a while of being anxiety-free.

I was having panic attacks on a daily basis. Every once and a while, I would go to a doctor, get some pills (Xanax) and I'd be good for a month. My job is really high-speed so weekly counseling was out of the question. I just dealt with it.

My anxiety got worse and worse and the attacks lasted numerous hours! It was horrible. Everyday was literally me trying to pretend like I was working, but really I was concentrating on not dying. After a while, I turned to more frequent exercising. I realized that lifting weights didn't do much for me, so I needed something that I really enjoyed to get my mind of these panic attacks.

TENNIS! I love it. It's the one sport I can get sweaty and tired and not even realize I'm exercising. I realized the more I played, the less I was having the attacks.

This was the physical aspect of kicking the attacks. I still had to figure out how to mentally defeat them if I couldn't play tennis.

I was in the Army. I used to be very tough and didn't even believe in anxiety. I decided to apply those old feelings to kicking the attacks. I felt the beginning stages of an attack coming on one morning, I was at work, no Xanax, and no where to go. I then thought to myself, "Wait, I've had a million panic attacks, but so far, I've lived through 100% of them. I'm undefeated when combating panic attacks. They can't ever defeat me". Then I kind of laughed.

Since that moment, I have not had a panic attack. I have felt the beginning stages a few times, but have been easily able to toss it away. Panic attacks make your mind race. They make your muscles tired. You have to build your mental toughness. I love the 'new me' and enjoy the finer things in life.

I know how scary these things are. If you ever find yourself having an episode, just know that you are undefeated against your panic attacks. Know that every day above ground, is a good day.


05-06-2015, 03:11 PM
Welcome. Ive only been on here a day or two and the people are great. Lots of good advice and support. I always have this up on my phone so even at work I can come here to get my head straight.

05-06-2015, 04:21 PM
Welcome. Ive only been on here a day or two and the people are great. Lots of good advice and support. I always have this up on my phone so even at work I can come here to get my head straight.

We got your back, Rob!

05-06-2015, 07:19 PM
We got your back, Rob!

Thanks AV.. :)